In reality most pet insurance plans are going to cover the same basic services; however there are plans that are much more comprehensive. The various levels of cover offered through a real pet plan allows pet owners to customize their insurance to meet their specific needs. You are also able to combine multiple pets in any of their plans, making it easy to ensure that each of your animal's health needs can be met without having to make decisions based on financial ability.

The benefits found with the best pet insurance plans really make them stand out amount the competition. If you have not had the time to research additional benefits offered with a real pet plan you really should before you make a final decision which company to purchase insurance from. These plans are available for any pets that are healthy at the time of application, have no pre-existing conditions and are between the ages of eight weeks and nine years. With one plan, basic accident cover, there is no maximum age range for commencement of the policy, allowing owners to put senior dogs on this specific type of insurance plan.

Additional benefits through a real pet plan include an emergency boarding cover. This means that if there is a medical emergency for the owner of the pet and there is no alternative type of care available the pet can be boarded with the insurance company paying the boarding fee. There is a limit to this cover and it does not start immediately upon the illness or medical emergency. It is certainly is a great addition to these insurance plans when you may be dealing with your own health issues as well. This type of cover does not include pregnancy or elective surgery hospitalization, but most people have already planned for their pets care if these types of hospitalizations occur.

Real pet insurance will also pay if you have to choose the very difficult decision of euthanasia for your dog or cat. Elective euthanasia or euthanasia for pre-existing conditions is not covered, but if your vet recommends this due to injury, accident, trauma or old age it will be covered in these plans. This will help to make a very emotional time in your life less stressful and financially worrying.

In Australia and many other areas paralysis tick bites can be a big concern for dog owners. The real pet plan provides options for reimbursement for the treatment of this condition once diagnosed and managed by your vet. Working closely with your vet to ensure all documentation and forms are correctly and accurately competed within the time frame window of 90 days will be important to get the full amount of the claim.

For those that travel outside of the country, this insurance company cover includes pet overseas travel insurance if you choose a cover level that includes this additional benefit. Pet insurance plans from other companies may require an additional policy for overseas travel. There is a limit on the amount that can be claimed under this benefit, just as there are limits on other areas of all pet health insurance policies. Knowing and understanding the limits as well as the exclusions for these additional types of benefits will make filing and receiving your claims simple. If you do have any questions be sure to contact an agent and get information so you can plan treatment and routine health care for your dog or cat.

Author's Bio: 

Denise Dawgston likes to share ideas for saving money. A real pet plan provides much more than what is found in basic pet insurance plans. Without a plan you could be in for huge vet bills.