As the groom your big day will be filled with virtually every emotion you can think of. While many guys freak out the majority of us will really enjoy it. Once you get the formalities of the actual ceremony out of the way you can start to relax and enjoy the festivities of the day. The wedding ceremony is a celebration and its meant to be fun.

While there are a lot of formalities, the one that really concerns you is the groom's speech. You are expected to deliver a speech and in many ways its one of the "main" speeches of the wedding. If you are not a naturally gifted speaker then you need to spend a lot of time preparing your speech. You do not want to get up in front of everybody and make a fool of yourself. So, let me give you a few simple tips for putting together your wedding speech.

Any speech has to start with a welcome. Welcome the guests and make particular remarks about special guests like grandparents or people that had to travel far or under difficult conditions. I know that its customary to thank everybody but its best to keep the thank you's short and sweet. Be sure to thank your bride's parents for the honor and the blessing to marry their daughter.

A simple way to make a great wedding speech is to tell a story. Add a bit of humor, a bit of sadness and a bit of soppy love stories. Emotion is what makes a speech great. Be careful with jokes though as the wrong jokes can backfire badly. As a rule of thumb, don;t tell dirty jokes as there will probably be kids and older people who might be offended.

It's best to write your speech out in full - especially if you are not 100% comfortable talking in front of people. Make some cryptic notes to take with you on the day and have them in front of you. Its perfectly acceptable to have some notes with you. The delivery is as important as the content of your groom speech so make sure you deliver it while you are 100% sober and talk in an upbeat and relaxed manner. There is no need to be nervous as nerves is likely to mess things up.

Depending on the venue you can try and stand behind a table as it can make you feel more comfortable. If you are overcome with nerves or emotion, just take a few deep breaths and try and focus on someone in the audience who will relax you.

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