With so many responsibilities and pressures tugging at us, it’s hard to think of much else than self.

“Oh, we’re just human!” Some might say. It must be instinctive, for even kids wanna horde. Of course there could be something said for adult toys too.

We could learn a lot from some folks, and I’ve learned a great deal from a certain gal. Mom, you’ve taught me well. Giving isn’t so much an act with you as it’s a lifestyle that many could learn from. You live to give!

I remember her asking me to print some self-adhesive labels that said the following: “You’ve received a random act of kindness. If you enjoyed receiving this kind act, please pass it along. Together we can change the world … one person at a time.”

Mom would leave a package upon an unexpecting person’s door, with the above label attached, then leave. The person receiving the blessing never knew who the giver was, but that was the intent. (Feel free to use the idea)

I would say feelings of self-preservation like selfishness, indifference, callousness, and the general lack of concern for our fellow man aren’t God’s pleasure. I’m sure He’s appalled by those lowly ways.

I challenge you to spread a few random acts of kindness around, then watch - they’re contagious.

Buy a coworker a can of pop for no reason. Buy a bag of groceries and put it on the doorstep of someone that’s hurting. Ring the bell, then run. No one need know, except you and God.

Tell someone they’re beautiful inside. I don’t know of many frosted hearts that can withstand the warmth of a kind word.

There are hundreds of opportunities in any day to convey such charity.

The following are just a few examples of goodness:

I was in the post office and saw a friend in line. I told him to go ahead of me. He responded with, “Are you sure?” I said yes. Then when he asked the clerk for a book of stamps I told her it was on me. Of course he was surprised and wanted to pay me. I would have none of that. His departing words were, “God bless ya!” I later heard his wife had breast cancer.

When the weather got bad last year I bought a snow-blower. When the first storm came I plowed our drive. When I finished I stared at our neighbors’ drifts. Then I proceeded to plow their drives. I recall being cold and tired, but it warmed me to see my neighbor standing in his doorway, in stocking feet, to tip his coffee cup at me.

Then there was the time when our kids caught Ron, the neighbor, filling up our empty fuel oil tank - because a few local churches heard of our plight and wanted to heat our home.

For you see, selfish motives can’t recognize all the opportune acts of kindness that abound all around.

Author's Bio: 

Greg Allen is an author, songwriter, and the founder of Builder of the Spirit Ministries. He is the author of a number of books including Builder Of The Spirit, The Bored And The Cross and War Of The Heart. Mr Allen is available for media interviews. Greg Allen lives in Jamestown, IN. His books are available at his website, www.BuilderOfThe Spirit.org, at Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble, Borders, from Tate Publishing and wherever books are sold online. He can be reached by email at builderofthespirit@earthlink.net.

Greg Allen
Builder of the Spirit Ministries
PO Box 318
Jamestown IN 46157
Phone: 765-676-5014