Welcome to your life, the attendance in a universal elementary school of sorts, where you are here to learn, develop and enjoy your being. You are here to learn your ABC's of Abundance, Being-ness and Consciousness. In the rich generative soil of physical reality you are meant to grow and ...Welcome to your life, the attendance in a universal elementary school of sorts, where you are here to learn, develop and enjoy your being. You are here to learn your ABC's of Abundance, Being-ness and Consciousness. In the rich generative soil of physical reality you are meant to grow and blossom.
How's it going for you?
If you are struggling with the pop quizzes, challenges, schoolyard bullies and teachers who just don't understand you, perhaps you were absent, unconscious, they day you were taught the lesson of Responsibility and how you are at cause for all of your experiences - good and bad. If you had been present, fully conscious, you would have learned one of the most important lessons in that you create our own reality, according to our thoughts, emotions and beliefs. You have access to the resources of unlimited energy and the inner knowledge of your “soul”, Higher Self, or what I playfully call your Inner Wizard. You are in school to learn how to use this awesome power that is your birthright with skill and wisdom.
If you had shown up alert, in the present moment, that day you would have learned that judgment has nothing to do with being responsible in this context. Judgment of any kind is detrimental to growth. For example, you did not deliberately miss school that day; miss the lesson on responsibility. You were doing the best you could given the energy and light you had at the time. You did not realize that instead of being present, centered in the truth of who you are, willing and available for whatever comes next you were lost somewhere in an effort to relive what you believe to be your past.
"Not only do you create the way you look at things, you create the things you look at!" - Lazaris
Many people spend so much time reliving their past beliefs of not being whatever enough (good, talented, rich, smart, confident, lucky, worthy, etc.) that they miss the moments of now where the learning takes place. It is in the present moments of now that you have an opportunity to deliberately and consciously plant the seeds for your joyful experiences going forward.
"Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid." -Albert Einstein
Thank you for showing up for class today fully present, awake, and ready to stretch and grow.
Unlike the brick and mortar schools of your physical experience, the cosmic grade school is without walls, limitations, restrictive rules or punishment. It is impossible to fail for each lesson, each experience, comes with gifts in the lessons that can be learned from them. Learn the lesson and you advance to the next class. Miss the lesson and you are given the same class over and over again until you finally acknowledge and embrace the gift. You may remember taking a class over and over again. You experienced it through the repeated patterns of events and behavior in your life, often delivered with a bit of drama to make its point.
If you've been showing up in your life present, centered in the truth of who you are, you are experiencing the life you've dreamed of. Without exception. If you are present and still struggling, perhaps you are not centered in the truth of who you are and leading a 'should be', 'supposed to be' conditioned life. You've been attending your universal school wearing a costume that doesn't fit, taking courses that you have no interest in. If you have no passion for the curriculum you've chosen it's no wonder you've been skipping school.
Instead of skipping school, I encourage you to rediscover your personal truth, your passions and your deepest desires. There are plenty of courses available to you here in this rich resource of cosmic learning that will effortlessly teach you how to express your authentic self. Expressing your full potential is what you are here to do.
And here's a little secret. When you were born you were given the best personal tutor in the world, the Wizard Within. You already have everything you need to be, do and have what you want in life. All you have to do is show up, be present, and tap into the tremendous source of power and wisdom that lies within you. The school, your physical life experience, is merely an inspirational playground for you to enjoy your innate wisdom, talents and desires.
"One must never let the fire go out in one's soul, but keep it burning."- Vincent Van Gogh
Valery is a Mentor, Coach & Author who provides an all in one toolkit and training course that give you the necessary tools and information to get over the unique challenges that come from success, fame and fortune. Championing those who have or aspire fame and/or fortune to maximize their potential is her calling. She's fully prepared to engage clients with her experience, extensive training, certifications. For more information please visit http://www.FameMentor.com
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