Most people desire a fit, trim body. Most people are also willing to try any “magic” drug, rub, lotion or potion that is pitched to them to get that contoured body. The proof is the billions that are spent each year by consumers on products that promise to achieve accelerated weight loss.
The only thing consumers usual get is duped, along with a good dose of frustration. This is a recurring cycle for many people.

Just because there is an endorsement from someone who is touted to be the “biggest and the best” in their industry or is a “world renowned” person or personality, does not mean the promise from whatever is being marketed, is real or healthy or good for you, your particular body, physiology and level of health. Understand the “proclaimed guru” is PAID for the endorsement, and usually handsomely.

The brutally honest truth about weight loss is there are no “revolutionary, new” methods, gadgets, etc., that will produce “instant results”. That kind of expectation results in the fail-n-bail syndrome. Real results come in the form of becoming educated about the fact that body contouring is the key term to understand. This means shedding body fat while gaining or maintaining lean muscle. This means understanding that it takes effort, time and patience, or, hard work.

There is just no way around it, body contouring, involves several key components: proper exercise, good nutrition/supplementation and proper sleep, and engaging in regular meditation/mindfulness as well as some down time or R-n-R. Each aspect enhances the other for optimal results and benefits. I have focused on these “major three” health habits in assisting clients with body/mind/spirit transformation for over 15 years. It is what I have termed, “The Triune Non-Diet” (sm).

As far as exercise is concerned, it’s important to keep changing it, add variety to your routine so the body does not adapt or get used to your routine. Changing up the exercise routine keeps your muscles from becoming “lazy”, so to speak.

The two key factors of The Triune Non-Diet are K. I.S.S. and D.I.G.S. That is,” Keep It Simple Stupid”, by taking on a single lifestyle change at one time. Then, “Do It Gradually Stupid”, by maintaining the new habit for a period of time before adding on just one more new healthy habit at a time. This allows physical, mental and emotional adaptation to each change. It also allows the change to take hold as new, good habits that are done automatically and easily.
Then, when another new lifestyle habit/change begins, it will be a bit easier to follow and continue on with.

There are several other factors to keep in mind – other than the primary one that there is really no such thing as accelerated weight loss – when it comes to body contouring, i.e., losing body fat while gaining or maintaining muscle.

- Weight loss, calorie restricting and nutritionally limited diets don’t really work. They cause you to “lose weight. Losing weight means losing both fat and muscle…Muscle is the metabolically “active” tissue that burns fat when it functions. Lose muscle and less fat gets burned. When the diet ends, fat comes back faster because there is less muscle!

- Get with the real program for being fit & trim: Proper Exercise/Fitness + Proper Nutrition & Supplements + Proper Rest = Lose Fat and Maintain/Gain Muscle = Trim, Toned and Defined.

- More is not always better with exercise/fitness. Beyond certain limits it can be detrimental….Learn the proper program for work outs. Seek out the expertise of a Fitness Trainer.

- What the mind sees and believes, so it achieves. See yourself in your mind with less fat and more muscle, contoured the way you want to be. This is part of your fitness “programming”….positive mental reinforcement.

- Sleep is an essential ingredient in keeping yourself healthy and trim. Sleep is when the body repairs and regenerates itself and is a time when some body fat is burned, surprisingly enough. Imagine, sleep as a healthy habit.

- Joining a fitness center or exercising with others is a must. It’s a motivating factor on two fronts: It’s where you’re surrounded by people like you, with goals like yours. It’s a financial and time commitment on a healthy habit that can replace an unhealthy one you are spending time and money on.

- The key to fit-n-trim longevity is to start gradually and build upon your new healthy habits and lifestyle. Don’t shock your body, your mind or your emotions… “Slow and steady wins the race”!

- “Water, water everywhere…” so drink it up! It keeps body functions at their optimum. It quells the urge to eat un-necessarily. It aids in fat metabolism, both stored body fat and ingested dietary fat. You can be under-hydrated and not realize it. A healthy habit is 12 ounces with every meal.

- Proper cardiovascular exercise means staying in your “target heart range” for at least 30 minutes. To maximize your body’s use of fat, do strength training first.

- Eat properly according to the New Food Pyramid and try to “fuel” your body with small meals or healthy snacks every three to four hours.

- Stay away from calorie restricting diets and nutritionally limited diets.

- Use a good quality complete vitamin/mineral supplement.

- Keep your cardio exercise/fitness routine in the “sweat zone” (your “target heart range”) for 30 minutes. Note: work up to this point gradually.

- Don’t forget strength training exercises to gain or maintain lean muscle.

- For maximum benefits do your cardio after your strength training or on alternate days. This helps to burn body fat more efficiently.

- Allow your body a day or two of rest depending on how intense your exercise/fitness routine is.

A most important factor to remember is that once your goal for being fit and trim is reached, you MUST maintain your new healthy fitness and nutrition habits or your hard-won results will wane and you’ll be back to the old cycle of frustration.
Being fit-n-trim is a lifelong endeavor. It has to become part of your lifestyle.

Think of it as shedding bad habits while shedding body fat and contouring good habits while contouring your body.

Author's Bio: 

David received his B.S. in biology at Bridgewater State College in Massachusetts.
His D.C. was received from Life University, College of Chiropractic in Marietta GA.
He received his fitness certification as a Personal Trainer from the Aerobics and Fitness Association of America, Los Angeles CA.
David has also holds a First Degree Reiki Practitioner certification from Master Instructor Donna Carr, Salem, MA.

Dr. Robinson was in active practice as a Chiropractor for 15 years and as a Personal Trainer for 6 years. Throughout this time, he counseled many clients on the various aspects of healthy living, from general health to fitness and exercise to nutrition and supplements to meditation and mindfulness.

He has served as a Personal Trainer for a session of the Massachusetts Police Cadet Training Program and in fitness centers on Massachusetts' South Shore and Southern California.

In addition to writing his first book on healthy living, Dr. Robinson has written numerous articles on lifestyle which have appeared on several websites including, and He has also been a guest on radio talk shows.

Now, with unhealthy lifestyles and chronic illnesses at epidemic levels, David has become involved in Health & Wellness Coaching & Consulting for both private and corporate clients. He is also available for Public Speaking and is accepting requests for Freelance Articles on lifestyle, personal health and health care insurance issues. He is also again accepted clients for Personal Training on a limited basis.
To schedule him for coaching, consulting, speaking, writing or personal training, contact him directly at 508-542-0235, Monday through Thursday, 8 AM – 4 Pm, E.S.T.

His professional website is

David lives on the South Coast of Massachusetts.