Anger may cause troubles to your health. It may increase your blood pressure and sometimes you may feel guilty after hurting the other person. Yet you can control your anger by following some tips. You can calm down yourself by taking deep breathe. You just breathe out thinking that you are releasing your anger. You can select a peaceful location like garden, beach or your terrace. This will help you manage your anger a lot.

There is another way to express your anger. You select a lonely place and shout any words. Remember the place must be a secluded one and no one should hear you. This will release your anger. You can also buy a punching bag. Treat that bag as your enemy and kick it, beat it until you release your anger fully.

Another simple way to manage your anger is to forgive the person who made you angry. This is the best possible solution that even the other person may repent for his sin. You can also forget the hurtful things done by others. It is good for your health and mental state also.

Engaging in some other physical activities can release your anger. If you do something dedicatedly then you will forget the unpleasant memories that make you angry. You can talk to your best friend. You should release your depression and change your mood from anger by talking with your friend circle. You can also listen to good music. Many reports have shown that music is a good relief for anxiety and depression. Prayer will also bring peace to your mind. You can pray or sing prayer songs to get rid of anger.

Anger of course may cause serious effects. It may decrease your social status and it may even cause break ups in family. So you must be careful enough to use words when you are angry. Before saying anything, ask yourself whether such words may make you guilty after some years. Ask yourself whether it will reduce your status and whether it will cause any serious effects. Try to imagine the position of other person who makes you angry. Confirm whether the person has done wrong things intentionally.

After considering these things, start counting from 1 to 10. This will reduce the effectiveness of harsh words. So now you can express our anger politely. But remember you should release your anger in any other way. Otherwise it will destroy you. Bottle up anger is not good for health. Even experts suggest these tips to manage your anger.

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