Not long ago, I got inspired to write about a topic that I know of very well – the chakras. I wondered, “How many people out there know what a chakra is? Are they aware that a chakra is an energy centre, and that its state, affects our state of being?”

There are seven main chakras, and no sooner did I receive this inspiration, that I then, in the middle of the night, woke with the words ‘The Seven Wonders of the World’ ringing in my head. “So where do I go with this?” I thought. I knew that I needed to somehow work ‘the Wonders’ in with ‘the Chakras’. After researching the ‘Seven Wonders of the Ancient World’, I learnt two things –
1. That each Wonder, though six no longer physically exist, still resonates a strong energy where it once stood. The memory and the history live on.
2. Each Wonder correlates with a particular chakra, proving that everything and everyone is somehow connected.

We, as human beings, and those ‘Wonders’, are made up of energy – powerful yet subtle. Energy exists with or without the solidity of physical matter, but physical matter cannot exist without energy.

The state of ‘dis-ease’ is caused by energy blockage. When energy does not flow freely within us, it can create pain and a general sense of unwellness. Our Chakras, meaning ‘spinning wheels’, are simply the centres in which energy is ‘housed’ and distributed to other parts of our Being. They can close down due to stress, and this in turn can create disease. The Chakras take in Universal energy and transmute it to a level that our bodies can handle, to heal any imbalances. Healers can assist with this process, or as an alternative, there are courses available where you can learn techniques in self-healing.

Belief systems and negative thinking play a big part in the functioning of our Chakras, and any imbalances can be healed by way of colour visualization and positive affirmations. There are seven main chakras within the human body. They are located along the spinal column and each have a particular colour connected to certain emotions. The first of the seven main chakas is known as the Base Chakra. It is located below the pelvic floor, is red in colour and when balanced, fills you with a sense of being fully present in the ‘now’. When the Base is functioning normally, you usually have a strong will to live, feeling grounded. Any imbalances in the Base Chakra, affects the physical body. It is linked to most solid aspects such as bone, muscle and flesh. If there is disease in the solid parts of the body, the origins may be traced back to the issues connected with the Base, such as self-esteem, self-acceptance and survival issues. Physical problems can result in painful hips, legs and feet, which can deplete energy within the body.

The ‘Seven Wonders’ parallel that I found most matches the Base Chakra, is the ‘Hanging Gardens of Babylon’. King Nebuchadnezzar, who ruled the city of Babylon for 43 years, built the Garden. It began in 605BC and it was believed that he built them for his homesick wife, who had come from a green, rugged and mountainous land. He hoped that it would make her feel more at home and more ‘grounded’, this being the correlation between the ‘Base Chakra’ and the energy of ‘Hanging Gardens of Babylon’.

Colour visualization is a great tool for healing and balancing the chakras. Where the Base Chakra is concerned, begin by drawing in white light to clear and then red light to replenish. Positive affirmations are powerful, especially when used in conjunction with colour healing. Some suggested Base chakra affirmations are as follows –
“Mother earth supports and nurtures me with love”
“All is very, very well in my world”
“I am filled with health and vitality”.

The second of the seven main chakras is known as the Spleen Chakra. It is located in the lower stomach area and is orange in colour. The attributes of this energy center are connected with the Base. When the Base chakra is filled with a sense of being ‘good enough’ and grounded, one of its gifts to the Spleen Chakra is a feeling of high self worth. If the foundations of security have not been laid at Base level, then this will cause imbalance and blockage in the Spleen chakra. Consciousness of sexuality and sexual choices are related to the Spleen chakra, though it goes beyond sex, as it also includes the acceptance of what it means to be a woman or man in our culture.

Blockages in the Spleen can begin to take place as a child, if one is held back from creating in some way. As a result, you can grow up feeling unaccepted and lack the courage to take risks.
Does this resonate with you? Do you recall a time in your life when you were held back? Many of us may be able to relate, but we need to remember that our parents and elders did the best they could with what they knew, and it is up to us to see the learning and heal. (This in itself is a whole other topic, which I will write about another time soon. For now, I’ll stay with the subject at hand).

The ‘Seven Wonders’ parallel that most matches the Spleen chakra, is the ‘Temple of
Artemis.’ It was a shrine to the Goddess of Artemis, said to be built around 800BC.
Artemis was the goddess of fertility and birth. This correlates with the creative energy
of the Spleen chakra.

Healing any imbalances in the Spleen chakra can be done by visualizing the colour white as it fills and clears the chakra, followed by orange to replenish. The following affirmations can be used to assist the healing –
“I create my own reality with love”
“I love and approve of myself”
“I am loved and supported by all the people in my life”.

The third of the seven main chakras is the Solar Plexus chakra. It is yellow in colour, located just below the breastbone, and is the center of self-identity and self worth. Our upbringing plays a big part in the state of our Being, and the state of our Being depends on the state of our chakras. In regard to the Solar Plexus, healing can assist in releasing anger related issues, due to the limitations that may have been placed on you while growing up.

My ‘Seven Wonders’ match with this chakra is ‘The Colossus of Rhodes’. It carries with it the energy of survival, and was a symbol of the city being an important economic center in the Ancient World. It ruled economic decisions for the island of Rhodes, paralleling with the intuitive decisions made when the Solar Plexus chakra is well balanced.

To balance the Solar Plexus chakra, fill it with white light to clear and yellow light to strengthen. In some cases, this can help to alleviate and prevent stress breakdowns. The following are some suggested affirmations to assist –
“I am a beloved child of God”
“I am filled with clarity of mind and I make decisions that are for my highest good”
“I now and always live the life I am meant to live, in love and compassion”.

The Heart chakra is the fourth of the seven main chakras. It is located in the heart center above the Solar Plexus, and is green in colour. Imbalances can occur in this chakra as a result of taking on responsibility of others, and neglecting your own needs. This can happen at an early age should a child take on responsibility for family members. As a carer, the child forgets to ‘play’ and the Heart chakra can close down. At a physical level, it can trigger asthma and allergic conditions.

My ‘Seven Wonders’ match with the Heart chakra is ‘The Maussoleum of Halicarnassus’. The city of Halicarnassus, was ruled by Hecatomnus of Mylasa. He died in 377BC and left control of the Kingdom to his son, Mausolus. He and his queen, Artemisia, ruled for 24 years. The energy of this ‘Wonder’ is love. The Maussoleum was believed to be beautiful and unique, built in honour of Hecatomnus. Within the pinnacles of the building stood the statues of Mausolus and his beloved Queen Artemisia.

When the Heart chakra is functioning normally, one is usually very good at loving. It is the central chakra and the meeting place for the energies. This energy centre when balanced, leaves you feeling at peace with yourself and the environment. One method of healing, is to clear the chakra with white light and then bring green light in to replenish. Affirmations to assist are as follows –
“I am an expression of unconditional love”
“I open myself to the good that exists in every human being”
“I open myself to the Divine and I am richly blessed”.

The fifth of the seven main chakras is the Throat chakra. It is blue in colour and is the centre of creative expression. It is linked with the Spleen chakra in that any self-esteem issues will block both the Spleen and Throat chakra. For example, holding back from expressing a talent can cause blockage in the Spleen chakra. The reason being is that such suppression can fill you with a sense of low self worth. Both chakras need to be cleansed and replenished with colour.

The correlating ‘Wonder’ for the Throat chakra is ‘The Statue of Zeus’. Its energy is that of expression and creativity. On a physical level, the Olympics, which were first started in 776BC, were held at the shrine of Zeus, and were a true expression of creativity and competitiveness. Though the temple and statue were destroyed, the stadium now stands at the site.

Keeping in mind that the Throat chakra is strongly linked with the Spleen chakra, it is important to work with both when healing. For the Throat, draw white light in for clearing and the colour blue to strengthen. The following affirmations can assist –
“I communicate freely in truth and love”
“I am free to be me”
I express my passion and live my life purpose with ease and grace”.

The sixth of the seven main chakras is the Third Eye chakra. This energy centre is indigo coloured and located in the middle of the forehead. A well-balanced and open Third Eye chakra brings about a feeling of completeness, inspiration and insight. It is linked to the Solar Plexus chakra because both have a connection with light and vision. If you suffer Third Eye imbalances, you can often suffer from guilt. Balancing any Third Eye blockages helps to strengthen the relationship between the personality and the spirit.

‘The great Pyramids of Giza’ is, at the age of 4500 years old, the only one of the Seven Wonders still standing, and is the ‘Wonder’ that most matches the ‘Third Eye chakra’. Both carry the energy of ‘observation’ and ‘seeing beyond’.
The Pyramids were set up as an astronomical observatory and until the 19th century, was the tallest building in the world. For me, the correlation between the Pyramids and the Third Eye Chakra, is the energy of strength and insight. We, as humans, can achieve this by maintaining a state of balance and well-being. It enables us to see true beauty and helps to keep man made structures in balance and harmony with nature.

To heal any Third Eye blockages, bring through white light to clear, followed by indigo (dark blue/purple) to strengthen and open the chakra. Try these affirmations to assist –
“I see all things with insight and inspiration
There is beauty in all that I see”
“I am divinely guided in every moment and in all areas of my life”.

The Crown chakra is the 7th of the seven main chakras. It is located at the crown of the head and is violet in colour. Connected with the Third Eye chakra, a state of bliss can be achieved through opening and healing both, leaving you with a sense of oneness in Mind, Body and Spirit. States of confusion are usually a result of blockages in these chakras. Balancing them enables a resolution of such confusion. It unblocks the channels, allowing in the flow of light, strength, clarity and joy from Divine Source.

The final of the ‘Seven Wonders’ that I see correlating with the Crown Chakra is ‘The Great Pharos Lighthouse’. Both carry the energy of being the ‘Entrance of Light’. The Pharos was the Great Lighthouse of Alexandria, built in 290BC and was a means to guide many trade ships into the busy harbours. So too, the Crown Chakra is the entrance through which divine light can travel into our Being, enabling healing to take place wherever it is needed.

To maintain balance in the Crown, bring down white light to clear and violet light to replenish. Affirmations that can be used to enhance the healing are –
“I am one with all and all is one with me”
“I am divinely inspired to live as I am meant to live”
“I see the truth in all and all is love”.

Colour visualization is a very effective way to heal the Chakras, along with the power of positive affirmations. All chakras are connected in some way and an imbalance in one can affect another. So too, rebalancing one chakra, can bring about the healing in another.

This brings me to a very important and final point…that everything and everyone is connected. Our Chakras, all Human Beings, and yes, even The Seven Wonders of the World are connected. It is only physical matter that creates the illusion of separateness. In essence, there is only love and this love is channeled down as a form of energy into our Being. It can heal any imbalances and blockages that we carry. As we travel through life, there are always going to be shakeups and readjustments. With the knowledge of self-healing, we can find the strength to work it through.

Hello, my name is Chiara Tino.
I wish you Love, Light and Joy on your journey through life!

Should you have any queries regarding this article, Chiara can be reached on
0413 823 669 or by email

She runs Reiki 1, 2 and Master Level courses, as well as Holistic healing workshops (Chakra balancing). Chiara also offers private consultations.

Author's Bio: 

Chiara has been practicing Natural Therapies for many years and is a qualified Reiki/Seichim Master and Massage Therapist. She is also a qualified Hypnotherapist and has a degree in Energetic healing. Chiara fully understands the importance of balancing Mind, Body and Spirit and is dedicated to assist people in finding their True Inner Peace.

This article aims at helping others become truly aware of their bodies. We are much more than what we seem, indeed, we are spiritual beings having a human experience, and it is through the physical that we live our lives. If we stray off our paths, our bodies find a way of letting us know, very often by creating pain or discontent. The seven main chakras within us are energy centres, which when out of balance, can create within us a sense of unwellness. By prolonging healing, it can then lead to disease.Chiara discovered that these seven chakras correlate with the seven wonders of the ancient world. It is not surprising really, since all things are connected, and though only the pyramids physically exist today, the history and the 'energy' of the others live on.

Earth Angels such as Chiara are everywhere on this planet and they are dedicated to helping people get in touch with who they truly are. You’ll find them as Counsellors, Massage Therapists or Healers’ to name a few. In essence, we are all Earth Angels with a mission – that is to LIVE our Divine Purpose…BE who we are truly meant to be. We can all get lost along the way, and get caught up in the fears and feelings of insecurity. It is part of being human. Chiara hopes that by bringing awareness to all about the chakra system and the roles that each play, people can more easily understand the importance of self healing and the healing of others.

Chiara has also written a book on universal guidance, entitled 'Awakening the Awareness Within'. It is dedicated to showing ways in which our Angels and Guides communicate with us, showing us the way when we stray from our life path. Answers can come through in the most amazing ways, many of which are shown throughout the book, but most of all, it aims at assisting to bring awareness within the reader – an awareness that we all have deep down inside but chose to forget along the way. By following the guidance, this enables us to live more fulfilling and joyous lives. You can read more about about it by logging on the the 'New Age' section of the selfgrowth website.

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