Finding silence for contemplation use to only be found in monasteries and ashrams. People of all faiths are now beginning to seek a break from the hectic schedules of daily life. Removing ourselves from that routine can be a relief, a kind of healing, a process of emptying ourselves of habitual patterns of thought and behaviors.
The San Miguel Intensive is one of those sacred places that provides a context for “emptying”, for breaking free of destructive habits we haven’t been able to shake.
When you shut down the outer noise of our world – the traffic, televisions, and conversations, then we are left with another kind of noise, the non-stop chatter of the mind.
This constant inner voice reminds us of the laundry lists of what we regret, what we ought to do or didn’t do, or might be done, what we should of said, or what was done twenty years ago and on and on.
This relentless chatter can be our worst enemy when our heart is longing to live life differently. At the San Miguel Intensive, Linda Rogers works with each individual to help them recognize why they turn on all the outer noise to drown out the noise inside their head.
Her goal is to assist each guest in bringing the mind back ”to a point of concentration of non-distraction”. Once a person is emptied of some function or several to do lists, true creativity will begin to emerge. Through awareness of where they place their faith, other possibilities begin to appear.
Through this gentle technique of retrieval, a person can shift into a calm and balance state which is so needed in our daily lives filled with reaction.
When we are clear enough to open our hearts and listen to that quiet soft voice of intuition, a life in which awe and wonder replace bigger, better, and more becomes the intent of the experience.
Through the slightest shift instead of asking why – we ask why not?
We are guided by Source Energy, pushing towards our destiny where magic unfolds. Finding our life’s purpose, progressing in that direction and transcending our limited beliefs begins with three simple steps:
Giving up the need to know
Giving up the need to defend or be right
Giving up the need for acceptance of others
When we practice these simple steps to clarity, we experience expansion and our world comes alive with possibilities.
This program is offered in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Contact Linda at the following two links below for further information ~ and/or 928-533-4936 U.S. phone line
Linda Rogers is a woman worth watching as she changes lives with the San Miguel Intensive. Linda has lived a life full of many successful entreprenurial ventures . Her expertise in moving through both professional and personal transitions along with her thirst for Spiritual wisdom and knowledge has prepared her to teach not only what she has spent a lifetime learning, but also how to apply this wisdom to business and personal life as well. Her career experiences paved the way to give her a greater understanding of how one processes stress. She uses unique techniques to gently encourage the recovery of lost dreams or the birth of a new purpose just waiting to be revealed and teaches that ultimately one cannot deny a souls calling. She has studied with many Spiritual Masters over the last 20 years, all the while knowing she was being prepared to find her own voice, and never losing site of her lifelong dream to help others with their own transitions. Linda’s own Spiritual Journey, in search of applying a greater meaning to her own life, paved the way for The San Miguel Intensive to be born. She currently spends her time between Prescott, Arizona and San Miguel de Allende Mexico, living her dream and helping others do the same.
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