Practically EVERY ‘wealth guru’ out there claims that the spiritual laws of wealth begin with one profound rule: “Give to Get.”
But they’re all WRONG!
In the ‘upside down’ spiritual world of Rich Idiots, the primary directive is very different. In fact, the number one law of spiritual wealth in the Rich Idiot's universe is the exact opposite: “Get to Give!” This law is the most difficult for RUBs to come to terms with. Why? Well, we've all been programmed to believe that we have to give in order to receive, and that it’s always better to be a giver than a getter.
But here's the upside down part that Rich Idiots understand: Getting comes first. Quite frankly, it HAS to! Like putting an airplane oxygen mask on your own face first before you can help your toddler with his or hers, you have to first RECEIVE the gifts of abundance before you can give them.
I know that most of us are uncomfortable with receiving. We feel unworthy, guilty, obligated, selfish… But Rich Idiots think of “getting” in a very different way. Rich Idiots know that the more they have, the more they can give.
In fact, Rich Idiots even kick this thinking up a notch and believe it's their DUTY to get more so they can GIVE more!
It's just like Oprah says: "What material success does is provide you with the ability to concentrate on other things that really matter. And that is being able to make a difference, not only in your own life, but in other people's lives."
Respecting the Spiritual Law of “Getting” is a MAJOR part of becoming a Rich Idiot.
Robert Shemin, JD, MBA, and Wall Street Journal bestseller, who was once considered the “least likely to succeed,” is a multi-millionaire who speaks to hundreds of thousands yearly, regularly sharing the podium with such financial luminaries as Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki, David Bach, Suze Orman and Tony Robbins. Shemin has worked with high-net-worth individuals for Goldman Sachs, helped create four companies, and been involved in over l,000 real-estate transactions. Find out more about Robert at
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