We have had a lot of conversation at the Centre recently about the ripple effect. Like dropping a pebble into a pond and watching the ripples radiate out for a while, the impact you have on a person’s life spreads further and wider than you can imagine. Someone, somewhere whom you will never meet may even now be experiencing a better life because of something you did or said a year ago.

This was brought home to me the other day when a student of mine, training to be an Emotional Fitness Coach told me what a work colleague of hers has said to her. “Since you have been on that course I’ve noticed a real difference in you,” she began, “And after you talked about the connections you made between your current behaviour patterns and your childhood experiences, I’ve looked at my daughter quite differently. She’s only two and I’m treating her in a much more positive way. And she’s responded really well.”

Somewhere there’s a little girl who, it seems, is going to have a much better chance of growing up to be happier and more fulfilled in her life than she may have. I will probably never know her and she will certainly never know who I am or that I might have had a positive influence, however indirect on her life. Multiply that by hundreds or thousands or now with the assistance of the internet by millions.

You will never know the impact you have on the world, simply by offering your own gifts to one other person. Part of the ripple effect comes about by sharing what comes our way. Here are a couple of websites that I recommend to you. The first is www.YourSpiritualHome.com Take a look at the inspiring video that Dr. Rhoberta Schaler has produced and join the movement that she is starting to bring more spirituality into people’s homes at www.YourSpiritualHome.com/cmd.php?ad=184385 Another is the Synchronicity web site www.synchronicitymagazine.ca Still another is an upcoming TV program called Good News TV. This is exactly what it says. Owner and producer, James Sinclair is dedicated to showing us the positive to balance all the negatives that we are exposed to in our world today. Find him at www.thegoodnewsshow.tv

If you have something to share or a link to make between your website and mine, please let me know. Let’s watch the ripples.

Warren Redman

Author's Bio: 

Warren Redman trained in the UK as a psychotherapist, facilitator and coach and has developed his own unique style of Emotional Fitness Coaching. He is president of the Emotional Fitness Institute (formally the Centre for Inner Balancing), writing about, teaching and coaching people in Emotional Fitness. He is the author of fifteen books, including the Award-winning The 9 steps to Emotional Fitness, Achieving Personal Success and Recipes for Inner Peace.

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