Self motivation is a gateway to self esteem and success. It is difficult to maintain for the simple reason that negativity is everywhere, which makes you insecure and kills creativity. Good ideas are criticized by the negativity of others who do not share our goals and ideals. It is easy to get discouraged, but the self motivated person gains from it and turns it into something positive. Check out these ideas to keep your motivation high.

Embrace your strengths and weaknesses and work around them. Focusing on them creates negative energy which defeats your plan. Knowing your self concept allows you to choose tasks and methods that showcase your skills and motivation. As you achieve these tasks, enjoy the moment of accomplishment and you will be encouraged to go further.

It feels good to achieve success so acknowledge your good work, especially when no one else is around to see it. Cross those completed goals and tasks off your list for an instant boost in motivation. It is too easy to feel like you are in a dead end situation if you don't realize every little accomplishment achieved. It will create excitement for the beginning of each new day.

Big projects are daunting so break them down into smaller tasks which can be completed swiftly, motivating you to move on to the next part. The big project will get done quicker and you will feel successful.

If you are surrounded by people who detract from your life and dampen your success, pull away from them. If you cannot cut ties completely, it is essential to keep them at a distance until appropriate times when they cannot be harmful.

Let go of anger. Mistakes happen and mess up the best plans. The only way to succeed is to manage them and move on.

You are a priority. Treat yourself as such. Your mind and body will perform to their maximum potential only if you feed and recharge them. Skipping lunch or a stretch break will make only make you think you got further ahead on your project. The reality is you would have had more energy and focus to accomplish more if you had taken the break.

In the beginning I said it is difficult to maintain self motivation. But if you look at it another way, it is the most simple because YOU are in control. YOU give yourself the encouragement and motivation you need to succeed, without having to wait on the response or action of anybody else. When you are feeling good about yourself and the situation, there is no limit to what you can achieve.

Author's Bio: 

About the Author: Elliott Roberts is a writer at Becomng, a Personal Development blog that deals with topics from software to meditation. Read more Self-Motivation articles here.