Springtime is the season of new beginnings. It is a time of renewal and rebirth. The Qi that has been stored deep within the earth and in roots of plants and trees during this cold winter is now rising. The yellow daffodils and crocus are evidence that spring has arrived. And as the blossoms of flowering trees drift off with the breeze budding fruit begins to appear.

Now is the time to do our own internal spring cleaning. The organ associated with Spring in Chinese Medicine (of which Feng Shui is a branch) is the liver. Toxins that have been stored deep within the liver from Winter must be flushed to let us rejuvenate and advance the thrust of energy associated with this season. A simple liver flush can revitalize the liver. In this talk we will discuss ways to make dietary change and chase away winter blahs.

Our homes are a reflection of who we are and where things stand in our life. Spring is time a good to look at our surroundings both in our gardens and within the home. So while we are detoxing our bodies it’s an excellent time to start looking about. How do your surroundings make you feel? With simple adjustments using color and other components we can create a new environment and shake out the cobwebs in our mind as well.

Start with gathering up winter belongings that are not going to be used again and pack them away or pass them on. Transition into lighter wear and introduce brighter colors into your wardrobe. We will talk about the meaning of colors and the Qi associated with them.

Creativity is associated with Spring in Feng Shui and what better way to express it than in the garden? The harshness of this winter took its toll on plants and trees. But, don’t despair! Before clearing out all the debris take a closer look to see if what we thought was a goner is actually springing back to life. We will touch on how to rebuild the garden to reflect the mood you wish to create.

Author's Bio: 

Madhu is a Black Tantric Buddhist Master of Feng Shui. She is trained in the BTB Feng Shui tradition and teaches and lectures throughout California. Madhu combines her 30 years experience in meditation and healing arts with her interest in design to harmonize and balance Qi (vital energy). Her expertise recommendations will shift your energy allowing you to
function at full potential.

She is a frequent guest speaker at various venues including
radio and television and has collaborated with Dr. Edgar Sung
on The Nine Star Qi Astrology Book.