The economic challenges of the world touches the lives of everyone; however, as children of God, we are not to participate in the world’s recession or economy. The Bible tells us the story of how God brought several plagues upon the land of Egypt and yet God’s people in Goshen were well fed and completely taken care of in the midst of the plagues and famine. None of those things affected them because they were God’s covenant people, and so will His children today experience the same provision of God.

We are in the world but not of it. That means we get our standard of living from the Bible not from what the leaders or people or systems of the world dictates. We are called to obey the laws of the land only is as far as it does not violate God’s Word. It is better to obey God rather than man.

Since God rules and reigns in the kingdom of heaven, and He is in control, there is no economic trouble, no shortages, no foreclosures, no bank closures, no lack of any good thing. His kingdom a place of abundance! We have an inheritance; we have an access to every thing that belongs to Him. We are heir of God and joint heir with Jesus Christ! Wow! Sela – meditate on that awhile!

We have been given an anointing to prosper whether in good or bad economic times here on earth, for His kingdom will come and His will shall be done in our lives on earth as it is in heaven! The children of God are protected and God’s provision is our. We must have a relationship with Him, live a life of obedience, tithe, and be a giver. This will cause our covenanted to be activated and cause angelic help to be released on our behalf.
During these challenging economic times, we have to walk by faith and not by sight or we will faint in well doing.

A crisis indicates a turning point. God uses a crisis tot urn us in a different direction. Many of us will stay in our comfort zones if He did not allow a crisis to come into our lives. A crisis is temporary, not permanent. They come to pass, not to last. God is doing a new thing and we must perceive that in our spirits.

Those of you who have lost your job or are unemployed because a door for employment has not opened up need to use this time of crisis in your life to calm down, get still before Lord, and regain focus. Ask God what His will is in this situation. Perhaps God is calling you to full-time ministry, to start a church or para-church ministry, to start a business, or to start a Christian school, etc. Perhaps this is a time He is using to build up your faith and trust in Him as your sole provider!

Many times we are curing the darkness and rebuking the devil when he has nothing to do with what we are going through in our lives. It is the work of God putting us back on the potter’s wheel and in the fire of affliction to purify our hearts for the next level called promotion. Before He can bring us to that next level, there has to be a time of purification and preparation so that we can be a blessing on that particular level.
It is during this fire of affliction process that our true heart is exposed. Whatever is in our heart in abundance we will inevitably speak it. If our hearts are full of fear, worry, doubt, and unbelief, we will speak death to our lives and situations and cause more of what we do not want to manifest. However, the opposite is also true. If our hearts of full of faith and trust in God, we will speak life over our situations.

This is not the time to lose heart but a time to dig deeper into the word, pray, and speak life into every circumstance and situation that does not line up to the Word of God or His promises to us, as children of God. Speak the Word only, no matter what it looks like in the natural realm. Your words have power; your words will bless or curse your life! Speak truth – God’s Word only! You will have whatsoever you say! What you sow today you will reap now or later. You determine your harvest by the kinds of seeds (words) you choose to plant. Choose seeds/words wisely before you plant them!

Scriptures for Meditation

Deu. 8:18
Isaiah 1:19; 45:3; 48:17
Jeremiah 29:11-13; 33:3
Psalm 34:17-20; 37:25
Psalm 112:3, 14
Proverbs 8:21
Luke 6:38
2 Cor. 9:8 (AMP)
2 Tim. 1:7
3 John 2

Author's Bio: 

I graduated from Oral Roberts University with a Master of Divinity degree (M.Div. 2006) and Master of Arts in Christian Counseling - Marriage and Family Therapy (2008). I was licensed as a minister by Bishop Gary McIntosh of Greenwood Christian Center in Tulsa, OK. I worked with Domestic Violence Intervention Services for about a year as an intern where I counseled domestic violence and sexual assault survivors. I also had the opportunity to observe group counseling sessions with the perpetrators.

My passion is women's ministry, counseling, educating, teaching and listening and helping people. I also have a passion for writing songs, books, inspiration cards, devotionals.