Most people who say they can’t be hypnotized don’t really understand what hypnosis is. Take Joe, for instance. He had been suffering from insomnia for years. When he came into my office, he was skeptical about whether hypnosis could help. He said he didn’t think he could be hypnotized, but that he was so desperate for a good night’s sleep, he would try anything.
I explained that hypnosis is a natural state of mind, where you are neither fully conscious nor asleep. During hypnosis, the body feels extremely relaxed and the mind is open to positive suggestions. Everyone has experienced hypnosis at one point or another. It’s what you happens every time you zone out on the freeway and miss your exit or when you get so caught up in a movie, you forget about everything else.
Although some people are naturally more inclined to go into deeper states of trance, even the most skeptical person can enter into a deep trance, if he/she allows it to happen. Joe is a perfect example. Once he felt comfortable with the process and allowed it to happen, he went into such a deep trance, he didn’t want to come out! He couldn’t remember the last time he felt so relaxed. After only two hypnotherapy sessions, Joe was sleeping like a baby every night.
So, how does hypnosis work? Our minds operate on two levels - conscious (italics) and subconscious (italics). Although we make decisions with the conscious mind, most of our behavior is driven by the subconscious-- a warehouse of old beliefs and memories that we are not even aware of. How many times have you resolved to stop or change an old habit only to find yourself repeating the same pattern over and over again? This is because the conscious and the subconscious are not in agreement. It is as though you are having an argument with yourself. For instance, you may find yourself thinking, "I don't want that doughnut, yes I do, no I don’t."
The subconscious is much more powerful than the conscious mind. When the two parts disagree, you are almost guaranteed to repeat the same old subconscious patterns. Hypnosis allows you to change all of that. In hypnosis, you can speak directly to the subconscious. It allows you to get the two parts of your mind in alignment so that you no longer feel as if you are having an argument with yourself. Doing what you really want to do just becomes easy and natural.
Hypnotherapy is one of the quickest, most effective ways to resolve personal issues. Some of the most common applications include:
• Smoking Cessation
• Weight Control
• Insomnia
• Eating Disorders
• Career Enhancement
• Sports Improvement
• Test Taking
• Stress Reduction
• Motivation
• Self Esteem
• Stage Fright
• Relationship Improvement
• Sexual Problems
• Nail Biting
• Fears and Phobias
• Chronic Pain
• Fertility
• Bed Wetting
When choosing a hypnotherapist, it is important to make sure that your therapist is certified. I recommend choosing someone who makes you feel comfortable. Don’t be afraid to ask for recommendations. And, most importantly, relax and enjoy the experience!
Melany Friedlander is a certified hypnotherapist and the owner of Hypnoswitch in Santa Monica. She welcomes your questions and comments.
Melany Friedlander is a certified hypnotherapist with a private practice in Santa Monica. Melany takes great pleasure in serving her clients in a way that incorporates her diverse background and skills. She works with clients of all ages (including children as young as 6 years old). Her areas of expertise include: smoking cessation, insomnia, test anxiety, performance enhancement, confidence building, fears/phobias, habit elimination and eating disorders. In addition to being a certified hypnotherapist, Melany is also a California licensed attorney and a certified practitioner of NLP. She received her Juris Doctorate from USC and a BA degree from UC Berkeley.
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