Values of the Wise: Profound & Witty Words of Wisdom from the Greatest Minds, by Jason Merchey

Description: Words to live by

Imagine being in a room with the greatest leaders in the world. You want to capture the most knowledge, but you only have 2 minutes to spend with each of them. Since time is of the essence, you quickly ask for their opinion on any subject, in approximately 30 words or less. Their words would come from wisdom. And, “Wisdom comes alone through suffering.” – Aeschylus

“Values of the Wise” is a collection of such words from philosophers, celebrities, famous writers and politicians. The quotations are compiled into fifteen themes for the reader to peruse the maturity of wisdom, depending on their inspirational nourishment. There are values from people of all cultures – Confucius, Maya Angelou, Will Rogers, Publilius Syrus, Job, Kalil Gibran -- just to name a few. Their words can transform the way we think as we incorporate their ideals into our belief system. “I am a part of all I have met.” – Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Jason Merchey shows no lack of favoritism for his selection of quotations. “Rather, I quote him [Hitler] to elucidate the nature of his belief system, in hopes that by doing so the reader will be better able to determine not only what they believe, but why.” The diversity of sentiments supplies a challenging reference for life’s common problems. I recommend “Values of the Wise” to anyone seeking answers for a deeper way to understand themselves and others. “The important thing is not to stop questioning.” – Albert Einstein

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Author's Bio: 

Judine Bishop Slaughter is the webmistress for the Express Yourself Books. She has a Bachelors degree in Organizational Management, and was nominated into Who's Who for Students in American Colleges and Universities. She enjoys spreading the news of mission as the Presbyterian Women's Missions Communicator, in the National Capitol Presbytery. Judine is also a member of the Alpha Chi National Honor Scholarship Society, the Black Writer's Guild--MD, and DC Web Women. She has found success as a Competent Toastmaster, a book reviewer, and a book publisher.