Are you one of the people who say, “I just can’t meditate?” Does your mind wander or do you feel restless while trying to meditate? Before you decide you just can’t meditate, review some of the ideas below.

Thoughts and restlessness are a normal part of learning how to meditate. Even skilled meditators still have ‘thoughts and restlessness’ in their meditation. The difference between them and you is how they handle the experience.

The power of meditation comes from practice. You may feel relaxed immediately, though the results from meditating accumulate over time. Allow yourself the time and effort to reap the true value of meditation.

There are different forms of meditation and as you become more accustomed to meditating each day, you may want to explore and experience other ways to meditate. Right now, start simple and let yourself absorb the power of meditation in your life.

Setting Time and Space for Meditation

Here are some simple guidelines to start your meditation practice.

-Select a time of the day when you will not be disturbed. Most mediators carve out time in the beginning of their day. If that doesn’t work for you, select another time.

-Initially, set aside 5-10 minutes for your meditation practice. When you are starting something new, it is good to start small and increase your focus by consistent effort. As you build your meditation practice, you will naturally increase your time. Your goal can be 20-25 minutes at a sitting.

-Create a ritual for your meditation….same time of the day and light a candle. Set the space up for you to sink quietly and quickly into meditation.

How to Meditate

Meditation is usually based on breathing. There are other medication techniques, though I suggest you start by focusing on your breathe.

You don’t need any tools to meditate, just your breathe. Here are some helpful hints to guide you through your meditation efforts.

-Sit in a straight back chair, feet flat on the ground and your hands on your legs with your palms facing each other.

-Take 3 deep breaths and then close your eyes.

-Watch your breath – breathe in deeply through your nose and release slowly out of your mouth. Stay focus on your breath and slow down the rate of your breathing.

-When your mind wanders away from your breathing and thoughts enter, just say, “thinking” when you become aware of thoughts. Then bring your attention back to your breathing.

-Some people find it helpful to count from 1 to 10 on the out breath. If you decide to count your out breaths, this can help you focus on your breathing. Here too you will lose your count and start thinking. Just remember to breathe deeply and say “thinking.” There is no judgment when you breathe into the word “thinking”…just acceptance that you are thinking. Then go back to watching your breath.

-If you become physically restless, you can breathe deeply into the word “restless.” Again, with no judgment you accept that you are restless. You are not fighting your restlessness, but rather accepting it as a part of the immediate experience that you are having with your meditation. Then go back to watching your breath.

Learning to meditate is not based on competition, but rather on acceptance of the moment. Be wary of trying to prove you can meditate…it is not necessary to prove anything, just be present in your meditation. You will quickly recognize that each sitting is different and you can’t replicate a previous experience. All you can do is stay present in your meditation.

Keep your practice simple, especially in the beginning. Meditation has proven that it can be important to one’s health. It's now becoming mainstreamed from a new age activity to an everyday, acceptable occurrence for many people. Oprah had on two respected medical doctors on her show touting the benefits of meditation to building a healthy lifestyle.

Remember small steps are wonderful and bring more energy into your life. This is your personal journey in creating a healthy life.

Author's Bio: 

Pat Brill is co-founder of, which supports Busy Moms with gift ideas and helpful tips to meet the challenges of motherhood. She is also co-founder of www.BoomersInMotion. For a Free copy of "9 Steps for Starting a Women's Group", go to