You only need ONE thing to be a Rich Idiot. And once you've got it, you’ll attract fabulous, lasting wealth like a human money magnet!

But if you don’t have it, you’ll most likely always find that you’re a dollar short.

Can you guess what this ONE THING is? Is it…

A luxury rental on South Beach next door to me and my friends?
A brand new car that turns heads when you drive it down the street?
A private jet to whisk you and two hundred of your best friends to exotic resorts?
So many designer clothes you have to convert two rooms into an enormous closet?
A private limousine and driver on call to whisk you around when you don't feel like driving?
Your very own table that’s on permanent reserve for you at the most exclusive restaurant in town?

If you selected even one of these items (as tempting as they may be), sorry, but you’re STILL thinking with a “poor” mentality. Do not pass GO… do NOT collect $200. :-)

Why? Because none of these are even remotely close to the one thing that makes Rich Idiots RICH!

Most RUBs think that to attract wealth, you need to start making MORE money. And to most people, making more money means securing a raise, getting another job, or winning the lottery.

But understand this: All of these things may put money into your bank account, but they won't make you a Rich Idiot. Why?

Because Rich Idiots don't make money by working a job, depending on a raise, working two jobs, or even winning lotteries.

Rich Idiots get rich only one way. (And it’s not through a high-paying job or a windfall bank deposit!)

Author's Bio: 

Robert Shemin, JD, MBA, and Wall Street Journal bestseller, who was once considered the “least likely to succeed,” is a multi-millionaire who speaks to hundreds of thousands yearly, regularly sharing the podium with such financial luminaries as Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki, David Bach, Suze Orman and Tony Robbins. Shemin has worked with high-net-worth individuals for Goldman Sachs, helped create four companies, and been involved in over l,000 real-estate transactions. Find out more about Robert at