Are you going to end up on your death bed wishing you had invested more time and effort into your relationships? Or are you going to be someone who has a multitude of magnificent relationships, making your life amazing? Well this article will not only show you why relationships go downhill, but will also explain powerful techniques to apply the Law of Attraction to your relationships. Properly applied, the Law of Attraction can be the catalyst to both creating and maintaining incredible relationships.

The Law of Attraction says that ‘like attracts like’. So to have healthy relationships, you must think positive thoughts. If you do, by law, positive traits will be all you see in a relationship. However, the reason most romantic relationships are great initially, and decline thereafter, is that people do the opposite of this! When a romantic relationship begins, the individuals only focus on the other partner’s positive aspects, while ignoring their so-called ‘negative’ aspects. However, after a while this stops and the reverse ensues. The partners then begin noticing ONLY the bad, and taking the good for granted. This is HOW and WHY relationships decline.

So how do you take advantage of this knowledge and create amazing relationships? Easy, just follow the four principles below.

ONE: Visualize being in your dream relationship. I would suggest doing this daily at least. This should be an enjoyable process and you can really let your creativity unleash itself. Your visualization will soon become reality, trust me on this.

TWO: Be grateful for your partner’s positive attributes. I would suggest doing this daily in a gratitude journal, however it can also be done silently by you. Appreciate your partner’s positive aspects and you will attract more positive aspects!

THREE: Use daily affirmations. I would suggest doing these perhaps after visualization but again this should be an enjoyable process. An example may be, “I am in my dream relationship”. Affirmations can be amazingly effective, so go for it.

FOUR: This principle is by far one of the most powerful steps you can take to improving ANY relationship. Whenever you are in conflict of any sort, rather than focusing on what the problem is, focus on the other person’s positive attributes! Do this even though you may not want to at the time! After doing this just once, you will realize that even the most conflicting people are 99% perfectly compatible, you just have to scratch the surface a little.

So there you have it, four proven steps to perfect relationships. I am living proof of these principles as are those whom I have taught them too. So don’t buy into today’s beliefs that divorce and lawsuits are common and expected. Be the exception to the rule and have the relationships that you have always dreamed of.

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Author's Bio: 

Tom Davey is an Australian based author specializing in prosperity principles to help you attain health, wealth and happiness. For more free information, with articles added daily, on principles to attain health, wealth and happiness, go to