Here we are going to toss around the idea of utilizing your mobile
phone to capture live testimonies from event speakers, such as
real estate associates. I have been making physical logs of live
testimonies from event speakers, such as real estate associates
for many years, and it has recently become much easier to
duplicate because of technological increases on the internet.

Let me start with a real life situation. I love obtaining as much
information as possible, and part of that is participating in
seminars. Last year, I was at one of Mark Victor Hansen's seminars
entitled "The Mega Speaking Empire". Before everyone left, I
communicated to the audience our intention to sell recorded
versions of the event via a website, and that their live testimonials
would be invaluable to us. I gave everyone Mark Victor Hansen's
AudioGenerator live testimonials telephone number, and many of
them called soon thereafter.

Imagine, for a moment, you happen to be attending a seminar,
addressing colleagues at a teleconference, or you're having lunch
with someone, you have material for live testimonials waiting for
you. Provide them with a toll-free number by giving them your
AudioGenerator line. Keep that number in an easily accessible
place for any future testimonial opportunities. The AudioGenerator
line will transform the testimonials that people leave into files that
you can post online. Then, distribute it to your customers after
you've reviewed it. Tada! Get ready for more internet traffic coming
your way!

AudioGenerator will help you build and support the relationships
with customers that so many businesses lack.

So, the next time you are at a seminar, make sure you have your
audio test number on you so you can grab a live testimonial, even
if it's just one or two people.

See you next time!

Author's Bio: 

Segovia Smith is well known for is accelerated learning and teaching style. When he's not designing new software, split testing his web site traffic or working on developing new business vetures he can be found answering questions and helping people with their web site conversion through various forums and discussion groups online. For further information visit: