Rapidly increase your sales this Christmas!

It's Christmas time, time to prepare yourself for the next round of explosive sales!

It’s easy to maximize your sales when you add more customers to your list. As this is the peak selling season, its time now to look for new customers aggressively.

#1 A top Representatives said, “you have to talk about your business every where, every day and basically all the time!
You must promote your self!!”

#2 Challenge your self. Talk to your close friends and relatives and then go beyond. Ask yourself “What else can I do to promote myself and my business?”

#3 Its easy to pass out brochures because they are so attractive to the eye. As you pass them out, get the persons phone number. Then when you call them, ASK them for an order by saying, “Hey, my order is going in this weekend, tell me what you need so I can get it along!”

#4 TREAT your business like a business. Order extra brochures and pass them out to everyone you come across. Talk loudly, clearly and confidently while you hand over a brochure especially to someone you don’t know.

#5 Be proud of your business! People who truly love their business, talk about it to anyone who will listen!! Shout out loud with your attitude and actions, “I love company and my products!”

#6 Wear Avon products and carry business cards with you everywhere you go! Put a note at the end of every email you send with a likn your website; network locally and tell everyone you meet what you are excited about!

#7 Re-look your business and see what you can do to improve yourself and your business. Remember, customer service and consistency is key to increase your business.

Everyday, work on improving your visibility in your surroundings and watch your sales rise as you approach the new year!

Author's Bio: 

Training Manager
US Based Fortune 300 Company