The authentic person does not try to be the executor, the mover or the causing factor of his life. He is rather a listener and a responder to his life, thus, allowing that which is bound to be - to be. He does not wish to be the playwright of his life, but rather the pen and the paper. His wish is to be the manifestation stage for his inborn potential.
Thus he is careful not to push his life, for if he does he would not be able to allow something natural and true to move him from within. The authentic person knows that by himself and for himself - he is weak. However, his weakness functions as a channel for a greater strength. Thus, he is careful not to act from a false strength, but to try to remain weak, because only through this weakness can a real strength manifest. He tries not allow mounting pressure & frustration to take over and push him to act prematurely. His strength is it his ability to stay lost and disoriented - until something from within takes over. He does not allow his anxiety, his efforts to push him into action. Rather, he is content to remain in bed all day, if the true force is not there from within him to take charge. So is his attitude as related to others - if he is not triggered by another from within, he is content to remain silent.
We humans should be careful not to rape. Not to rape the moment, nor to rape another’s life, and most important not to rape our own inner lives - as we try to escape from the emptiness by forcing ourselves into action. The world is full of people who get slipped disks and heart attacks - because they insist to do, to push themselves into action. This self manufactured effort breaks their backs and fractures their hearts, for both where not meant to be moved by the aggressive powers of will and anxiety - but rather by the gentle forces of life & nature, flowing from within our inner being into our life. When it happens it is most surprising, as we did not do anything, it happened by itself, like an arrow shooting from the bow, free of man’s intention and physical pressure on the string. The arrow flies not because of an increased of pressure, but rather because of the total absence of it. In other words: it is either our dominant self (ego) or our gentle inner being that can be the mover of our lives. The inner being can happen only if the ego moves aside and gives room and space to the real hero, lying within - waiting.
Gabriel Raam
A human-being, upholder of truth who has gone a long -long way to attain his present spiritual , mental and being capacity.
A thinker, Philosopher, Existentialist, Theologist, author of the books:
Journey into the Inner Being
Life, Reality and the Unseen
Book of No - Outsiders, Rebels and Non-conformists
The Art of Conversation
Not Everything Is Words
Postures - Messages From Within
Men & Women Beyond Words
Body Language and Nonverbal Communication
Living in Israel
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