First of all, we must specify the excogitation of the word Assistance- It connotes to yield, to bear care, to consider, to hold or to take in context an individual person who purchase (acquires) a product or service.

Assistance X caring

Both are two secernated means and that various times are bemused. Our tries also run to a beforehand, and this beforehand may frame the magical divergence.


Assistance is straightaway consorted to the commercial enterprise interest that a commercial company can or can't do, in conformity with its prescripts and rules. Assistance grounds, therein focus, a relation of addiction between the assistant, company and the client. (MARTINS, 2001)


It is the style as the employee presents himself to the client, leading him, catching his spirit. This, trully, is an practise that reckons solely on the assistant. For example.: a client who searches knives in a pet shop, won't be assisted at his requirements, but, if he has been well cherished and obtain data on where to buy the artefact that he expects (knives), will endure a salutary idea of the company, and when he will necessitate to purchase something for his pets, for certain will retrieve the pet shop. All assisting has to to entail in a salutary dealing nonetheless the salutary dealing does not insure the good assistance.

QUALITY assistance

Usual requirements:

• To cognise - his roles, the company, rules and routines
• To talk - to use an uncomplicated lexicon, understandably and concrete
• To listen - to interpret the client
• To comprehend - the client in his entireness

The assistant:

The principal purpose of the assistant is to exemplify the organization in front of the clients, summing data, brightening uncertainties, clearing troubles, in the long run, to excuse a treatment that inspires satisfaction, security and serenity to the client.

To give a good assistance it is obligatory:

Endless perfection: It is the inaugural prerequisite of the assistance. The surety when giving information depends on the knowledge that you own on the procedure, the rules, the performances, the company, its products, services and the code of the client. (FULD, 1992)

To hear: it's not conceivable to attend for without before knowing what to attend for. It is essential to hear what the buyer has to say to build a communication without exhausting.

To talk: After listening intently, it is indispensable to talk, to establish the communication process. When an assistant transmits an information to the client, should use himself of an conformed terminology, interdicting technician terms, acronyms, vernaculars, in the long run to be brighten, concrete, regarding the point of perceptiveness of the client.

To perceive: face gestures, expressions and attitude of the buyer are rich in contents, if those aspects can be perceived, they'll aid his discernment. People are different among the others. For this cause perception is a primary factor. It's through it that we can catch the different reactions and thus to excuse a individual and only treatment.

Quality in the assistance:

The quality of the assistance that we proffer has the power of ascertain the success or the failure of a business. Liaison of an assistant with the clients of the organization as an whole, will work upon the relationship with the organization. (DENTON, 1993)

Consistency - It is substantive that your assistant ever must furnish the equivalent quality of assisting although the contexts. If a professional of assisting day-to-day deals well 36 clients and outrages 4, in the medium will have had a fine execution: 90% of effective assisting. But if he extends to miss 4 clients per day, the company will be missing approximately 1.000 clients annually. It is overmuch. All clients must be assisted with excellence. So, to avoid more losings:

Delight in serving - This is the elementary requirement for a good assistant is to like to serve the people. In the instance of barely selling its product or service, the company will be effectuating a moneymaking apportioning that discontinues at the instant to pay and to leave. When assisting the client to resolve his (s) problem (s), the master assistant will be producing a relation of imperishable cooperation, even if no trade happens in the first interaction.

Quickness in the assisting - All clients must be assisted without delay not only by an efficiency factor, nor courtesy, but for the fact that, after having waited for five minutes, without to know if he will be had to wait more fifty minutes to obtain what he wants. Waiting for the worse, buyer can give up and go for the competition. (CARVALHO, 1999)

Promises, Promises - In several cases, one of the main functions of the individual who attends the buyers is to inform expressed periods, e.g.: when something will be ready, when it will be delivered, when it will be available etc. Anybody doesn't await that each one has a crystal ball, but a character of the commercial knowledge of these masters must be to make sensible authentic estimates or leastways to explain the buyer what determines the stated period of time.

CARVALHO, Pedro Carlos de. Administração mercadológica. 1.ed. Campinas: Editora Monografia Alínea. 1999. 233p.

DENTON, D. Keith. Qualidade em serviços: o atendimento ao cliente como fator de vantagem competitiva. Makron Boobs; McGraw-Hill 1991. 222p.

FULD, Leoonard M.. Administrando a concorrência; tradução Nivaldo Montingelli. 2.ed. Rio de Janeiro: Monografias Record. 1993. 220p.

MARTINS, Eliseu. Avaliação de empresas: da mensuração contábil à econômica. TCC Atlas, 2001. 414p.

Author's Bio: 

Luiz Gustavo Arruda knows the real importance of quality assistance to business and to personal development. After improvements in this area at his organization, Brazilian Monografias Prontas with quality and assistance focused on client , his business improved its numbers. Estruturação de TCC sobre modelos em atendimento ao cliente