The spirit world was swarming with messages this Fall of 2007. The common theme, if I had to boil it down, would be very simple though, something like: “If you're not happy, go do something about it!” Fall is very no-nonsense, brisk, and bold.
We'll have a Mercury retrograde soon (October 12-November 1st, the time you’re not supposed to sign a contract). This particular Mercury retrograde in Scorpio is a time to get deeper into your own world and dreams, and do any needed soul-searching before launching into a new cycle of activity. Saturn, which rules order, just went into Virgo, the super-duper systematic sign, so expect to get a lot in order on both practical and inner levels in those few weeks.
Psychic Messages for Fall 2007
Magic’s in the air, full of life, fervor, feeling, focus, tension, expectation, anticipation…Fall 2007 is ALIVE! Can you handle the truth? That’s the ticket to a great experience these next few months—to let this truth-emerging time (late Summer and early Fall) give you the deeper insights into yourself that set you free and on new courses. Organize your life in light of the truth now, and you’ll have a very Merry Christmas.

There’s a tremendous injection of stabilizing practical energy in the Fall. In no uncertain terms, individuals and collectives see more clearly what they’ve built, and what they need to do to reach goals. With unusual ease, people get the picture of the concrete steps that need to be taken to manifest their desires.
Do not waste this time lamenting over what could have been. Spend 90% of your time focused on getting where you want to go, and 10 per cent on how you ended up where you are.

In the U.S., the administration pushes forward a giant agenda to create a new foundation for the U.S. to build upon, by further invading the Middle East, but it is way too small a foundation as it doesn't include others; it’s thinking “little” in a quickly connecting world. Once I saw America as a burnt out, abandoned building, on the wrong side of a barbed wire fence…are we being steered to such an an isolated place?

Personal Success Stories: Have you heard more stories lately of people finally taking the plunge and doing what they love and find meaningul? Or has someone told you about a new personal vision that's giving them hope for the future? People get acutely aware of their choices now, and many make big changes, the hard choices that feel right.

Make the Biggest Splash: Join a team! Become a partner! People work well together now. Look for the success of cooperative efforts to fully manifest towards Fall’s end.

The High Priestess and the Hierophant: Two tarot cards had messages for Fall. The High Priestess talks about the best and most magical strategy: “Things fit together nicely if you let them. Don’t push anything.”

The Hierophant, who represents divine order, higher learning, and The Right Way To Do Things, gives a blessed route to personal success this Fall:
“I see you come shining, what’s in your heart to do,
And if
to that
you stay true—
Then all is well with you.”

Author's Bio: 

TAG: Elissa Heyman offers psychic counseling and healing services in person in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and by phone. She also holds Intuition Circles for small groups, both in Santa Fe and other cities. Please visit her website for many free offerings: a monthly online newsletter with predictions, a way to test your intuition, essays about divination and intuition, and a birthday card and message for the birthday sign. Presently Elissa offers free teleconference Intuition Circles. Elissa, a full-time practitioner since 1979, has professional training in psychological counseling, spiritual healing, shamanism, and metaphysics. More details at or 505-982-3294.