The public awareness of Reiki energy healing hascome a long way since I started my Reiki practiceyears ago. I remember trying ever so hard toexplain what Reiki was to those who were open andcurious. Today, Reiki energy healing has becomepretty much mainstream. Chances are, if you stopsomeone on the street, I venture to guess that atleast 50% have at least heard of it. Many peoplehave had their first experience with Reiki in ahospital setting. Either they were ill, or a dearone was in need of healing. Physical healing iswhat comes to mind when most think of thisintelligent energy.

After facilitating hundreds of Reiki treatments,most of which were remote, I have come toappreciate Reiki for its gentle power andversatility. The divine intelligence of Reikienergy is not limited to physical ailments. A verymainstream event such as a court hearing or trialcan benefit greatly from the subtle influence ofReiki energy.

Can Reiki influence the result of the proceedings?Absolutely. The intent of all Reiki sessions wouldbe for the “highest and best” outcome. How thistranslates into healing depends on how the Reikiis directed. If the Reiki is directed to anindividual, then that individual will be morepeaceful and centered. The outcome will be fortheir highest and best, regardless of what thatmight be. Reiki does not rob you of your lifelessons. It does make a difference as to how youdeal with the events at hand. It will not takefrom others so that you will benefit.

What if one wants energy directed to the wholecourtroom, from the judge, to the clerks, to theattending officers? In fact, what if you wantReiki directed to every soul in that courtroom? Insuch a case, one needs to be careful in respectingthe rights of each individual. One cannot forceReiki upon another soul. The soul simply would notaccept it. Yet, it is most respectful to not eventry to impose Reiki without permission. A way toadhere to the ethics of Reiki while stillpositively affecting the events of the proceedingwould be to send Reiki energy to “the situation”. In doing so the whole room would be filled withReiki energy. The possibility of violent outburstswould be greatly reduced. Those individualswilling to accept the energy would simply drawfrom it and reap the benefits. These choices areall on a soul level thus not consciously selected.

There have been many court outcomes that have beendiscreetly influenced by the power of Reiki. It isreassuring to know that in those instances, thehighest and best did prevail for all thoseinvolved.

Author's Bio: 

Anna Pizzoferrato is a certified Reiki Usui & Karuna© Master/Teacher. Her passion and specialty is Reiki Distance Energy Healing.She offers single event, 14 and 30-day Reiki distance sessions as well as subscriptions. Her website offers a free Reiki-charged sunset and a monthly complimentary