Inferential practice of medicine involves operative as a first confining heading, much more in the symptoms than in the precluding form, symbolises the wholeness of human biosystem. It employs substances that are arose in the life-sustaining actions and routines that manoeuver life’s modus operandi. The focus of Constructive Medicine is to raise indemnity, compensation and switch to tone the vital procedures. Its precept is to act “by” and not “versus”.

A favorable, and non substitutive, commandment lives on it, with the acceptation of prevention activenesses for the sustenance of the health and regulation of the natural capacitance of auto-cure.

Curative procedure goes for a primary target to reinstate the procedures and for that end it experiences as precepts:

1. REPLACEMENT (UPTAKE) OF SHORTAGE SUBSTANCES: arbitrate colligates that lack in active chains and in the determinative circuits are replaced (contributed) to freshly reinstate the active chain. It agrees to the replacement of chemical elements, enzymes, internal secretions, cells and tissues.

2. ORDINANCE THERAPY: there's an essay to reinstate the functional chains that are discontinued or minimized.

3. INDIVIDUAL THERAPIES: therein there is the necessity to stress patient’s individualist vital situation who's in dealing, which contributes to his psychic and emotional domain and comprises in its set the called “land”. (NIEPER, 2003)

These therapies present as features:

1. High level of chemical formulations’ dilution that preclude any unwanted secondary effect.

2. Individualization of the treatment toward a protrusion of the individual situation of a patient, reflecting in qualitative and temporarily frames the state that is found the organism in its battle versus the sicknesses.

3. The medications complexes and composites accommodate themselves to running chains and the metabolic processes.

4. Regularisation is essayed by utilising a chemical prepared, containing the oligoelements that can manage constructive repairings and functional regenerations.

5. Intermediate catalysers, intermediate products and the cofactors have the charge to fixate flaws in metabolic chains, renovating the kinetics of these marches.

6. Employment of products that provoke the chemical mechanism of toxin excretion. (GUILLÉ, 2000)

Oligotherapy is known as an estate medicine and institutes itself on the enforce of the oligoelements, that are detected in our organism in very low levels and are inorganic chemical elements, but crucial to the correct procedure of the metabolic replies of all organisms. Its chief purpose is to catalyze chemical replies, or put differently, allow the enzymes' work, that are the molecules with the function of really operate such reactions, whose set constitutes the metabolic processes of our body.

Continual understandings can change the straight procedure of our metabolism, compost by a myriad of enzymatic replies in chemical chain in all cells of our being and demoing particularities in all amid us. These metabolic particularities colligated to the continuing portion of natural and mental agents that delimit them, they make to a person further or fewer simplicity to live in the way that encircles, further or fewer simplicity to continue themselves healthy or to get ill and to be able to recover. All these sets define what we call individual estate. As our estate we will have certain generic characteristics as for instance the trend to suffer definitive maladies. (NIEPER, 2003)

As bio-psycho-social unit, we are continuously interacting and looking for a balance that in ideal conditions is the health in its ampler direction. When our systems of regulation function correctly we may say that we are in a compensation state. When, in the opposite way, our regulation systems are incapable to recover the state of adjusted balance, we enter in a descompensation state where physical as psychic symptoms, connected by our individual land, will appear in such a way. This set of symptoms will define what we will call functional pathology, inside of which can be defined four great syndromes, each one is dealt with one or some associated oligoelements:

• Regulating schemes routine overmuch: Hyper-reactive syndrome (Manganese).

• Regulating schemes that don't run sufficiently: Hypo-reactive syndrome (Manganese-Copper).

• Regulating schemes that operate in an uncontrolled or unsatisfactory form: Distonic syndrome (Manganese).

• Regulating schemes that nearly don't run: Anergical syndrome. (Copper-gold-Silver).


When intaking the similar catalytic oligoelements, we give rise to a position that the modulating organisations function better, and it is due to the prime matter (oligoelements) that is disponible, hence allowing the balance recovery through a compensation status, that's health. This is the instant when oligoelements are the most effectual. (GUILLÉ, 2000)

In the case that we didn't interpose, the operational disbalance would evolve tothe instalation of an organic pathology (with shift of our body’s schemes), where we might recognize two configurations: at the start we would accede to a correctable lesional scheme, in what oligoelements still have resolutive capacity, and so it adopts the disequilibrium, subsequently would come along a permanent lesional state, in which the paper of the oligoelements already is bounded (as only coadjutant at certain moments of other more emphatic therapies). A previous valuation of the therapist in will give an idea of the real possibilities of this therapy in each case to them.

Lastly, being oligotherapy a way centred in administering the founds of malady rootage and the inclinations to get sick or increase person’s weak breaker points this procedure is more efficacious the more close to the functional alteration it commences.

When treating to a patient, we must treat the pathology found at this moment (can vary throughout the life) and also we will supply other oligoelements following the specific pathology that this patient demonstrates. In some cases, there will be necessary to modify some oligoelement concording to patient evolution. (CHOPRA, 2000)

Hans NIEPER - Révélation en Médecine et Santé - Ed. Office International de Librairie - Bruxelles - 2003 - 315 pgs

Deepak CHOPRA - Cura Quântica - Ed. Difusão Cultural - Lisboa, 2000 - 270 pgs

Etienne GUILLÉ - Le Langage Vibratoire de la Vie - L'Alchimie de la Vie II - Ed. du Rocher - Paris, 2000 - 388 pgs

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Luiz Gustavo, owner of a Brazilian organization, Organização de Pesquisa em Monografia Sahara AD cured himself from several health problems with oligotherapy support. - Brazilian team of academic and research development Monografia AC