"The easier you make it to buy for your prospects, the more they will."

K.I.S.S. - Keep it Simple Silly.

But simplicity goes beyond just ensuring you do not talk technical when describing offerings to prospects. It means keeping everything about the sale simple. It means recognizing that selling to prospects is indeed a process and that when we simplify this process, our sales will skyrocket. It means keeping each stage simple: Procedure to buy, Product you offer and Program to implement.

Procedure to buy

Don't make prospects work to purchase your services. Don't make them hunt for prices or information. Don't make them dig around for phone numbers.

1. When leaving messages, always leave your first and last name, company name and phone number. With e- mail, conclude each message with your phone number and reiterate your e-mail for them to call with questions. Although they obviously have your e-mail address as they are reading your e-mail, you never know--they may be forwarding it to another party or sending you a new e-mail. Make is easier for them. They may not have time to search for your information.

2. Always print out correspondence with clients when meeting with them in person. Although you sent e- mails, don't expect them to have the information or proposal with them. Have extra copies of everything for them. They will appreciate it.

3. Follow-up all meetings not just with thank you letters, but reiterate your offerings in the e-mail. Remind prospects when the next meeting is, what their concerns were and how your programs will help them. Don't make them remember all you said.

Product you are selling

When I was a journalist, they taught us to take complex issues and write like we were writing for children. A sale is the same way. Nothing is more uncomfortable for a prospect than feeling foolish. Don't make a prospect work to understand what you are offering.

1. Never talk technical, especially with acronyms and abbreviations. Even if you think your prospect is technical, let the prospect say the acronym first. Amazingly, it is the most technical people who often like the simplified approach. More than one director of information technology told me in my telecommunications days, "I don't need you to explain how the phone network works. I know that. All I want to know is why I should care."

2. Don't overwhelm the prospect with information, unless the prospect asks. Pick two or three key features and show those two or three key benefits. If the prospect wants to know more, the prospect will ask. Listing all the features of a product, even if it's relevant, is another way to confuse prospects.

Program to implement

Once the sale is made, ensure delivery of your product or program is as simple as when you sold it.

1. Stay on top of the delivery of your product or service. Don't make your client work for it. Keep your clients abreast of the implementation status through e-mail. Copy all those parties involved on the schedule. Be a true facilitator.

2. If issues surface along the way, keep clients notified through blind carbon copies of e-mails. Don't breach internal confidential documents, but there is nothing wrong with sending a client an e-mail for them to see you are working on their problems - if there are any. It also will ensure to them you understand the situation.

3. Provide not just your contact information, but numbers of other parties involved. Utilize the team approach.

Inexperienced salespeople say that if prospects are confused about something- the procedure, the product or the program, they will ask. Will they? If they do, great. But if they don't? The result: No sale- and you'll never know why.

Todd Natenberg, President, TBN Sales Solutions, isthe author of the book, "I just got a job in sales! Now what?": A Playbook for Skyrocketing Your Commissions.

TBN Sales Solutions increases commissions for salespeople and profits for businesses through customized training, coaching and consulting. They establish structures and procedures in all facets of the sales process, through classroom workshops and individual sales coaching, to teach reps to control their own destiny, to impact the bottom line. Visit www.toddnatenberg.com for more information. Todd can be reached at 866-464-0339 or e-mail todd@toddnatenberg.com

What do you think? Please call (773) 755-1306 or e-mail todd@toddnatenberg.com with questions.

Todd B. Natenberg

TBN Sales Solutions

Author's Bio: 

"I just got a job in sales. Now what?"

A Playbook for Skyrocketing Your Commissions

Just released! Purchase your copy today!


"This powerful, practical, fast-moving book gives you a series of proven techniques you can use to get your sales career off to a fast start.”

Brian Tracy, Author, Turbo Strategy

"If you just got a job in sales, then you just better buy this book. Rather than 'just got a job,' you'll 'just make some sales.' This book informs, inspires, and presents practical real-world information that converts sales goals to sales contracts."

Jeffrey Gitomer, Author, The Sales Bible

"Not only is this a must read for new salespeople, it's a terrific solution for an experienced salesperson in a slump who needs get back to basics."

Roger Dawson, Author, Secrets of Power Negotiating

"Awesome! Todd's playbook is more than theory -- it contains a wealth of valuable, practical ideas. Told from the perspective of someone who has learned the job inside and out, his book should be required reading for anyone starting out in the field of sales."

Stephan Schiffman,Author and President of DEI Management Group, who has been cited as the foremost expert in the area of Prospecting Skills and is internationally known as "America's #1 Corporate Sales Trainer"

TBN Sales Solutions
711 W. Gordon Terrace, Ste. 106
Chicago, IL 60613
Phone: 773-755-1306, Fax: 773-442-0840, Outside Chicago:
e-mail: todd@toddnatenberg.com

TBN Sales Solutions increases commissions for salespeople and profits for businesses through customized training, coaching and consulting. We establish structures and procedures in all facets of the sales process, through workshops and individual sales coaching, to teach reps to control their own destiny, to impact the bottom line.

"Customers do not care how much you know until they know how much you care; Sell how you want to buy."