Have you ever thought about this question? Moms go about their lives coordinating the demands of home, school, work, extra-curricular and volunteer activities like a cruise line activity director. We plan meals, naps, play dates, birthday party commitments, and the list goes on. We use our family planners, individual pocket organizers, Blackberry's and online calendar to keep a record of our commitments. In the midst of the arranging, coordinating and recording of life, do you know why you are doing what you are doing?

I ask clients all the time, "What does good look like for you?" In other words, "What are you trying to realize from the decisions and commitments that you are making?" Often, moms will share that they have started a new job despite the fact that the hours directly contrast with the times that they want to be available for the family. Mothers over schedule their families although they have decided that they want everyone to spend more time having dinner together or they sign up for one to many volunteer commitments out of obligation. Taking some time and asking yourself this simple but powerful question can help guide your family when planning to create more meaningful commitments.

This year, when I asked myself this important and reflective question, I decided that "good" for me meant making time in my schedule to grow my business and promote my book. It also meant maintaining quality time with my family to date myself, my hubbie (Pat), and the children individually. For me, this meant creating a schedule that reflects both my love for my work and my love for quality family time. It also meant that I would not be able to volunteer as much this year as I have in years prior if I wanted to be stress free. By identifying the things that you must have in your life to feel good and add to your quality of living, you are free to say no to the things that can often make us feel stressed out, rushed, anxious a nd overwhelmed.

Now it is your turn. Ask yourself the following questions:

What does good look like in my life right now?
What resources do I currently have at my disposal to create this experience?
What am I willing to do to allow for this change?
What do I have to get rid of?

Live fully,



Challenge! - Take small steps toward your goal. Take one class instead of three. Start small for big results. And to get you started creating your own list of goals, I would like to invite you to claim your free access to my E-book "Eliminating Mommy Burn-Out". Get free access at www.helpformomsreport.com

From Mia Redrick- Author, Time for mom-Me:5 Essential Strategies for A Mother's Self-Care and Finding Definitions, the premier self-care community for mothers www.findingdefinitions.com

Author's Bio: 

Mia Redrick is the President and Founder of Finding Definitions, LLC. Finding Definitions, LLC, empowers busy moms to balance the rigors of parenting while providing them with essential tools for a mother’s personal development.

The company offers popular individual/ group coaching services, teleclasses and seminars on topics relevant for a mother’s own personal growth on her journey throughout motherhood. Mia is the author of Time for Mom-me, 5 Essential Self-Care Strategies for a Mother’s Self-Care. Her book is the mother’s handbook on the best solutions for finding personal time, growth, strategies and personal connections.

Redrick is a sought-after speaker by women’s, businesses and parenting groups around the country, and hundreds of women have attended her workshops.

Redrick writes a parenting column for Family Digest, a monthly magazine with circulation of 3 million and contributes parental traveling tips to the Home Away Traveler International Newsletter, which reaches 95,000 homeowners around the world. Additionally, Redrick writes a parenting column for Examiner.com.

She has been published in the magazines, Parenting and Attractions, and was interviewed for Sky Radio’s “Conversation for the Expert Segment,” which airs in more than 29, 000 North Western American Airlines Flights.

Redrick graduated from the College of Notre Dame of Maryland with a Bachelor of Arts in Economics. She is a member of the International Coach Federation, Sargent of Arms in Toastmasters International and has been featured in numerous publications including: The Washington Post, CNN.com,Paper Dolls Magazine, Family Digest, Modern Babies and Children, The PG Gazette and more. She has been interviewed on ABC News- 2 The Point, The Darla Shine Show, Family Talk Radio, Real Money just to name a few.

Mia and her husband Patrick of 13 years have three children and a dog named Basil and cat named Tycoona. Mia is an author, columnist for Family Digest Magazine, certified personal coach and strategist. She speaks throughout the country on topics of concern to women