It is all-visible to each 'presence' within our entire population; however the effect of each choice in the filter of their own consciousness is often one of the ‘hidden’ processes that take place, regardless of the external activity. These are processes that one internalizes and rarely offers in reflection to the group. Now that we have this collective database, we begin to realize the similarities in each individual contribution, as they are virtually the same in the evocation of feelings.

What I mean is that they have the same intent or purpose in achieving greater harmony as reflected in the expressions of shared feelings, exemplary of a greater synergy of experience. However, sometimes it is not clearly communicated due to using individual dictionaries of personal data to explain individual perspectives.

A master teacher will facilitate the group toward understanding that they are saying similar things in different ways. Once this process is comprehended, the next phase is to begin to inquire as to the ‘categorization’ of importance in the list of priorities that provide the greatest good for ALL. Now even Senge recognizes that a learning organization evolves at its own speed and needs to be treated like a garden rather than a machine. The gardener doubles as an edutainer in the classroom; tilling and teasing the seeds to grow by being able to keep their rapidly moving attention engaged in relevant learning.

From the perspective of Godhood (non-gender/genre specific) we begin to filter each of the reflections through the participation facilitated by the instructor, teacher, our internal observer, or whomever. This one has already done his/her homework and compiled a list of information that has been derived from a much larger data pool. In this particular instance the information comes from comparative religious studies as well as modern psychological documentation available today. We're evolving. Our senses are expanding. Children are learning at near light speed. A master teacher is well prepared to facilitate their classroom experience, having begun with the end in mind.

Let’s look at Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences for a moment to illustrate the growth and unfoldment of a natural order within a construct of consciousness. This appears to be a result of simply observing patterns to reveal process. Multiple intelligences were discovered through observation. It has been widely accepted that these multiple intelligences provide the essence of classroom students’ experiences, and for students of life as well. Life is just a bigger classroom with greater risks and potential outcomes. Intelligences that Gardner has revealed so far are: Verbal-Linguistic, Musical-Rhythmic, Logical-Mathematical, Visual-Spatial, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Intra-Personal, Inter-Personal, and Naturalistic.

There are no definitive tools to assess exactly what percentage of each we individually manifest in order to provide instructional materials to empower these intelligences as of yet. There are types of learning centers developed to utilize activities that nurture the various intelligences. These intelligences are usually only truly observable by a trained eye in the actual classroom environments. I believe there is one more intelligence that remains to be revealed.

That is Spiritual Intelligence, which imbues every intelligence with a connectedness to all the others and a holistic model of life that is understood by the individual at very deep levels previously inaccessible by planes, trains, and automobiles. What kind of environment would we need to nurture our Spiritual Intelligence? Are there any present examples?

It has already been proven, scientifically, that life is made up of sets of fractals, each having its resonant core of the self-replicating pattern. Quantum physics has unveiled the mathematical understanding of our ability to change our patterns. We have yet to comprehend that this self-replicating pattern exists in its purest organic form (Naturalistic Intelligence) in our carbon atom. Its scientific reference would be 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons. If we look at the examples below, we see that there are some very interesting patterns that evolve from the carbon atom’s configuration.

Now, what does this all mean? It means that this Spiritual Intelligence is at the core of our genetic fiber. It is locked in to the very building blocks of our physicality. The understanding science is now offering helps us to move beyond subjugated religious superstition that promotes separation of mental and emotional intelligence. Organically we are able to use this intelligence to activate Bloom’s taxonomy to the next level. In his work, there are six basic areas of focus in our educational processes: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation.

Through the use of Spiritual Intelligence, we are able to observe the categorical changes necessary in our world environment to align with the natural organic patterns of an interdependent civilization. We can all imagine what a world like this might be like. Or can we? There is so much information about the pieces of such an environment, a new world order if you will, that it would seem our duty to utilize our knowledge to apply the best practices of Spiritual Intelligence throughout society. We've found the key that eliminates all boundaries, making us truly one people and one planet.

Comprehending the change takes time. Our current outer stimuli keep our mental focus so busy on trivial circumstances that we are unable to quiet the mind. We have the direct-connect to the inner knowledge and wisdom, yet the voice is muffled by all the outer activity. Those able to recognize the internal connections from the stillness within become the patient agents of perfected patterns that balance the scales of iniquity currently present on our planet, without placing undue focus on them. Our ability and knowledge as a unified people has been ignored for some time, or maybe it has not.

The chaos created through the media may indeed have another purpose. We already know how to evolve mental constructs into physical form. We also understand that it requires not a ubiquitous desire for change. Only a few are necessary to begin the process. Our job is to craft the wheel of change for the greatest safety, the most sustainable comfort, and the greatest joy. How do we do that? Analyzing each of our alternative choices, and the risk of loss in each, we can assess the outcome of the choices and synergistically reveal the best choices to serve the greatest good, locally and globally.

This leads us naturally to the application and implementation of the processes necessary, as our synthesis of solutions was developed as a natural evolution of the analysis of our choices. Evaluating these results demonstrates a natural progression of consciousness. Again, it falls into the realms of pure intuitive logical thought as the entire process evolves naturally through the parameters of the foundational structure. We have nearly transcended the fear, anger, ignorance, and immobility. What is left is to take action and grow beyond our current frustrations.

How does this reflect on the process of education? By definition the process of education is organic: to draw out. Ignoring an old scientific axiom of 10% brain usage being 'normal,' is it possible that we have many more senses, or levels of sense, with the other 90% of brain capacity? Could the 'junk DNA' be the access points into a greater realm of experience and understanding?

We now have the tools to draw out our map for our journey toward ONEness in perfectly acceptable order; a ‘new world order’ that acknowledges our past with honor and dignity, yet is concerned with the sustainability of our future. We harvest our past by bringing forth those tools most useful for our future, including the undesirable lessons learning the art of war. Now we can apply the same conceptual frameworks, used by the masters of manipulation of time and space, to create an atmosphere conducive to our ultimate need in the call toward Divinity: to be love and be loved.

Check for Understanding
We can look back through each of the premises that evolved into the understanding presented. Essentially, we considered the effects of viewing ourselves as potential change agents for the 21st Century. We presented the premises from which our logic was drawn and showed cause for and a path toward changing a mindset and active role in one's life and community. Master teachers are the capable crew who lead the way, assisting the creation and formulation of questions that guide a person or class to self-discovery and Self-discovery, former being the understanding of their own patterns and the latter being God Consciousness, Christ Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, et al..

A great philosopher once said that Creators want playmates, not subjects or dominions; they want to have fun. They want to play. Think of how you felt as a child, or even adult, when you were at the height of 'play' in your life. Remember how it felt? Educationally fulfilling, entertaining and maybe even exhilarating, right?

Now the rest of the story is up to you. Do you have concerns or questions? What have you found what really works for you?

Author's Bio: 

Rev. Zen Benefiel is a multi-master's degreed author, coach, consultant and facilitator with a passion for education and facilitating partnerships. He founded Be The Dream, a sole-proprietorship consulting company, in 1988 as a vehicle to promote holistic understanding in business and personal achievement.

Be The Dream has transformed along with its founder to become a leader in establishing a new living awareness among seekers of harmony, truth and planetary stewardship. An international presenter on holistic project planning, he has co-created a vision for a holistic model community serving at-risk youth, called Spectrum Academy.

Zen resides in Gilbert, Arizona.