Clearing Clutter

I live in what I have always considered a pretty clutter-free home. But after reading Karen Kingston's book “Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui,” I've realized I can still do with less. I started last week. The little clutter I have already cleared has had a surprising affect on me. Karen is ruthless in her suggestions (empty the trash every day!) but gentle and convincing in her approach. I have managed to give away and throw away several boxes. I truly didn't believe I had that much! The things I didn't toss, I started using again.

Karen defines clutter as:
Things you don't love
Things that are untidy and disorganized
Too many things in too small a space
Anything unfinished

She even told me that the word “clutter” comes from the Middle English word “clotter,” which means to coagulate. Okay, I get the picture all too vividly.

The problem with all this clutter is what she calls “stuck energy.” As clutter accumulates, energy around your space slows. And as that energy slows, more clutter accumulates. The result? You become what you see; tired, confused, in disharmony and disorganized. Your life is literally put on hold. There's just no space for anything new.

Here's the good news. By clearing clutter, you change the possibilities in your life. On Sunday, I cleaned out my jewelry. On Monday, I received a totally unexpected gift in the mail, a beautiful silver bracelet. No, it wasn't my birthday. The giver just thought I’d like it. And I do! Hmmm. I think I’ll clean out the garage this week.

Time and Space
Often people tell me they want to “find” more time; more time in their day, week, month, year and life. The usual approach to this dilemma is to start structuring and organizing our day. We think that by becoming more efficient, structured and focused, somehow our days will get more organized and we will find the time to do the things we love.

Here's a different approach. Try focusing on space instead of time. Take a look around you right now. Is your space cluttered? How does the office desk look, the bedroom closet, the kitchen cupboard, the dreaded basement, your car, your head? Space we can do something about. As my space becomes less cluttered, time opens up for me. No time to create space you say? Delegate it! Hire it out! Through space comes clarity. Through clarity comes better actions and decision. Through better actions and decisions comes time.

Time and Space are directly related. Why not create some space in your life today and see time magically open up for you?

Author's Bio: 

Deb Martin is a Transition Coach, coaching individuals to simplify life and business transitions by seeing their brilliance and honing that brilliance. Subscribe to my free e-newsletter, PORTAGE, for insights designed to help you feel and act differently in order to attract what you want, naturally. Please visit my web site at: to subscribe.