THE FOOTHILLS FOCUS September 24, 2003
Making a Success of All Living
Focus Columnist
Visualization – “May our Creator grant me blessings on all my endeavors.”
Take our Creator as your partner in all you do. You were not meant to stumble along alone. The simple formula of surrendering all your being to the Creator, then walking with Him, will create amazing effects. Bless every task you undertake. If it is something you dislike, bless it; give it to Him! Ask Him to send you the power to flow with it. You will find yourself not only getting through the dreaded task, but feeling jubilant over mastering a negative condition.
If you bless continually, your thoughts will be sent out into the ether to become a flow of power. Just try to realize how powerful a blessing is: it is one of the strongest ideas a human brain ever transmitted. Everyone at some time has experienced a wave of intense hate: its powerful vibration is one-hundredth that of a blessed thought. Bless every negation, be it a condition, a person, or a policy. In the morning, ask our Creators blessings on all you encounter that day, everything and every person that touches your life. In so doing, you release a flood of love.
Can you see that by so doing you are doing your small part to make this world a better place to live? Multiply this by one hundred or one thousand, and see that our Creators roses of love and tolerance will soon be embracing the world. Now as never before, we need the gentleness of His loving hand working through us. We need to pull up the weeds of hate, intolerance, and prejudice, and plant flowers of love.
In The Creators vibration, all is whole. There is nothing but good. When you find bad conditions or unhealthy minds, it means lack of faith. Only this can explain the chaos in which we are now living. Let every man practice love, and we all live. Take The Creator in as your partner in everything. Ask His advice and see His wisdom. Take Him as a partner in every enterprise, even in little things. Ask His help in everything; then pay your partner, your Creator, His share by loving. You will never regret it!
“All that is given in your Creators name shall be blessed and multiplied.”
The author Dr. Bess S. Permut, is a graduate student of psychology and philosophy, has taught life's truth’s for over 60 years and is the author of two books in print and on audio Cd concerning the subject of living a successful life.
These powerful works of truth were written by Dr. Permut, but it all came to her from Divine Source. The wisdom included in her materials is known as The Magic Wand of Achievement and can help you or anyone you know achieve any goal or repair anything in their life... ANYTHING it is is that powerful... Check out Dr. Permuts Limited offer 80% discount and 14 Free Bonus Gifts in her Unvelievable Package entitled: How To Get Exactly What You Want and Keep It!
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