There are plenty of articles on how to lose weight, shape up, and feel better about our appearance. What I find interesting is that with all the information available to us, we are the country with the greatest obesity. Why is obesity our number one health problem? For some, a genetic disposition is the problem, but for most, it is the choices we make about what to eat, how much, how often and the amount of exercise we get. Fast food and too much TV addiction will guarantee a sluggish metabolism. The key to "losing the layers" is to cut simple carbohydrates from our diet, flush out the toxins, eat nutritious food, take supplements to support metabolism and keep our body and the bowels moving.
Simple carbohydrates include pop, white flour products, juices, pasta, fries, cookies, candies, chips, etc. When we eat these foods, our blood sugar level elevates which signals the pancreas to release insulin bringing the blood sugar back down. Insulin's role is to carry the sugar out of the blood and store it in the tissues as fat. This swing in blood sugar can leave one tired and irritable. Eating small frequent meals that consist of protein and complex carbohydrates will keep the blood sugar balanced. When our diet consists of processed foods, toxins accumulate in our organs, tissues and intestinal tract. When we eat too much at one sitting, the undigested food turns to fat and toxins. Toxins interfere with metabolism, energy and elimination of wastes. Most of us have allergies to certain foods. Identifying and eliminating those foods from our diet helps the digestion, assimilation and eliminative processes to perform more efficiently. If you experience symptoms like bloating, gas, fatigue, sinus congestion or weight gain when you eat certain foods, you are most likely allergic to that substance.
The main channels of toxic elimination are -- the lungs, kidneys, colon, skin, liver and the lymphatic system. These systems need to be kept clean of toxins and free of stagnation if we want to feel healthy and energized. There are several herbal remedies and juices for cleansing the organs and tissues as well as colon cleanses and normal flora replenishment. If you want to lose weight in a healthy way, detoxifying the intestinal tract is paramount. A healthy intestinal tract is dependent on the food we eat, water we drink and supplements we take. A high fiber diet is the best way to maximize elimination of unwanted wastes. Complex carbohydrates, legumes, fruits, nuts, seeds and the outer husk of grains add fiber to our diets. Taking fiber and probiotics in a supplemental form is a good idea for creating stool bulk and healthy bowel flora. Pathogens, yeast and parasites are more prevalent than most people realize. Exercise is always an important part of a program to get in shape. A combination of stretching, aerobic and muscle strengthening techniques are good. Making a habit of taking walks and engaging in other outdoor activities is good. Getting a variety of exercise will use muscles that may not otherwise be strengthened.
Finally, many of us need to look at the emotional element that may be holding us back from success in weight management. How we feel about the world around us can make a difference in our physiological response to foods. Some people carry more weight as a protective mechanism to perceived threats from their environment or from others. A low self-esteem or being stuck in the victim role can sabotage one's efforts to get in shape and feel good. "Losing the Layers" or getting into shape is a multifaceted task, and if approached as such, there is a better chance for success. When a person works on just one thing like food combining, this helps, but if one really wants to get in shape emotionally, physically and physiologically, the combination of the holistic approach is the key.

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Diane is a Board Certified Traditional Naturopath licensed through Washington DC. Her specialties are Blood Chemistry, Immune, Hormone, Neurotransmitter and Allergy Testing/Analysis, Kinesiology, Iridology and Orthomolecular Therapy. Contact Diane at 303-697-1736 or