Life is like a roller coaster. There are hills to climb and hills to coast. Your image of your life is critically important to your success. We are in control of many of the circumstances around us, but there are other circumstances beyond our control.

We all go through setbacks, changes, disappointments, crisis and tragedies. We need to be able to triumph over tragedy. As I have struggled after a major life changing injury, I have learned that if I want things to change, I have to make the changes.

Adjusting to life after a crisis seems insurmountable. To meet with success, there is no substitute for hard work, dedication, commitment, a determined spirit and a firm belief that you can accomplish your goals. There are no shortcuts to meaningful accomplishments.

You can transform your life from a state of total frustration and hopelessness to an impassioned state of determination. Realize that tough times never last, tough people do.

Oftentimes we disable ourselves with self-limiting beliefs. We don't realize our true potential.

We have within us an inexhaustible reserve of potential that we have never even come close to realizing. Within us is a reserve of energy, courage, intelligence, ability and creativity that we have barely explored.

Living with conviction involves a vision of your future; seeing hope rather than hopelessness. It is important that we not focus on self pity. Self pity leads to self neglect.

When you find yourself thinking negative, self defeating thoughts, change the thoughts. Like changing a station on a radio, turn the dial from thoughts of depression, to thoughts of hope and success.

Examine the meaning for your life and focus on your main goal. For me, my main goal is: getting my life back. I want to regain function and resume my career and all the activities that I so much enjoyed before I was injured. I need to remind myself each day to work at my goals. Forward progress moves me closer to my goals each day.

As I monitor my goals and accomplishments, I keep track of my progress. I set new personal best records. As I repeat the activity I try to smash my previous record, overcome limitations and break through my own barriers.

Oftentimes we get caught in the everyday patterns of our lives. We sometimes take the easy route and sooner or later realize that we are not making progress. Our goals are temporarily forgotten or ignored.

Living with conviction means living with passion. Knowing that every day is precious. We need to productively utilize the hours and moments, that can otherwise tick away.

Author's Bio: 

Rosemarie Rossetti, Ph.D., a nationally known speaker, delivers keynote presentations that bring out the best in people, to help them achieve goals and take charge of their lives. She helps her audiences discover their inner strength. Her core message is focused on teaching success strategies to live life with conviction. Her latest book with lessons to live by is "Take Back Your Life!"