Your Joints and Weight Loss
There is a vicious cycle that exists regarding joint health and weight. Numerous studies have shown that the heavier you are, the greater pressure exerted on your joints, which can lead to more wear and tear and a higher risk of injuries. Unhealthy joints, in turn, can lead to a sedentary lifestyle—as movements become more and more uncomfortable and as a result, you continue to put on weight because of lack of exercise. Joint soreness can often be so debilitating that people who suffer from it are too afraid to try even the simplest of exercises in fear of aggravating the situation. To others, even a slow stroll can be uncomfortable, thus preventing them from trying anything more. But, there is a way to stop this cycle of ill health, and that is to begin exercising. Just because you suffer from poor joint health does not mean that you have to forgo any form of exercise. There are a number of ways to reduce your weight and improve your fitness levels without discomfort. You have to treat exercise as therapeutic to your joints as it actually helps to increase mobility and flexibility. But the reverse is also applicable. Lack of exercise may result in stiff, painful joints, which only further aggravates your joints. You can see why we have a problem here. Poor joint health may lead to lack of exercise, which may lead to weight gain, which may lead to increasingly poor joint health! What can we do? Exercise is the key!

Why should you exercise?
According to the Arthritis Foundation, for every pound of weight that you lose, you also reduce a load of four pounds on the knees for every step that you take. Even a moderate weight loss would therefore translate into less pressure on the hips, knees and spine. Exercise in fact, helps strengthen your bones and muscles around joints. In addition, exercise works as a powerful mood lifter and builds confidence and self esteem. A good workout will give you more energy throughout the day and lead to a well rested night’s sleep as well. After working out, you carry a sense of accomplishment and confidence that helps you push yourself further and challenge yourself more towards long lasting weight loss and fitness.

All excellent reasons to begin but what about those people who avoid exercise because they believe it will make the situation worse. They are afraid that exercise will cause more soreness and fatigue and leave them in a worse state than before. However, resorting to a sedentary lifestyle is actually the worst thing you can do to your joints. Doctors say that lack of exercise leads to weaker muscles and poor bone support. Ligaments and joints have to work harder to complete even the simplest of tasks and the condition can worsen, even risking bone breakage, the longer you avoid working out. As mentioned, lack of an exercise routine only stiffens your joints, making them more uncomfortable and sore. There are a number of exercises that even those suffering from achy joints can start off with. Speak to a qualified doctor or physical therapist to work out the best plan to ease you into a regular workout regimen.

Recommended exercises for weight loss
Whatever exercise you choose, remember never to overdo it, especially, when you are just beginning a routine. Always listen to your body. Visit your doctor before you start any regimen and consult him or her immediately if you suffer from chronic fatigue, weakness and any swelling of the joints.

  • Aerobic or cardiovascular activity - As you incorporate endurance exercises such as cycling, walking or swimming into you routine, you may notice that your joints feel better as your weight starts slowly dropping and fitness levels increase. Aerobic routines such as these for a minimum of 20 to 30 minutes a week also improve stamina and help maintain weight loss.
  • Range-of-Motion exercises - These are simple exercises that you can easily include in your daily routine. Raising your hands above your head or shoulder rolls for example, reduce stiffness of joints and increase their mobility and full range-of-motion.
  • Strength training - Lifting light weights strengthens the muscles surrounding the joints and reduces pain as well. As the pain reduces, it will be easier for you to work yourself up to more repetitions and heavier weights in the course of time. Strength training also helps burn more calories after your workout is over, which is necessary for long term weight loss.

Ways to protect your joints when you exercise
If you hope for any long term weight loss and a regular workout routine, it is imperative that you take care of your joints. This is especially so if you gave been inactive for a long time. Follow these tips to prevent injury and fatigue:

  • Applying heat to the joints twenty minutes before you exercise. Warm towels or a shower can relax your muscles and increase your range of movement.
  • Start off with a set of range-of-motion or slow stretching exercises for ten minutes before begin your work out.
  • Begin your work out slowly and up the intensity and repetitions only after a safe period of time. Slow and steady will get you the desired results without inflammation or joint discomfort. . Exercise by alternating periods of rest with bursts of activity should be your initial target.
  • Avoid moving trouble areas and affected joints too rapidly and repetitively. Exercise with slow gradual movements and if you notice any pain, stop immediately. Any pain stronger or sharper than your usual joint pain relief can mean that something is wrong so speak to a doctor at the earliest.
  • Use a cold ice pack on your joints after your work out. This can help in reducing discomfort and swelling.

Exercise along with a balanced diet and the correct nutritional supplements will make all the difference to your overall health. Taking a supplement like GoFlex helps reduce joint discomfort and incorporate the nutritional building blocks required to support joint health supplements. As a result, you may be able to improve your performance levels while you work out and help reduce post exercise wear and tear, allowing you to exercise more effectively and lead to long term weight loss. If painful joints inhibit you from beginning an exercise routine, ask your doctor whether a supplement, like GoFlex, is the right choice for you.

Author's Bio: 

GoFlex is a scientifically-based, physician-approved joint health supplement containing herbal and natural nutrients that specifically support vital joint functions for maintaining mobility and flexibility. GoFlex includes a joint health supplement and joint pain relief cream containing an Food and Drug Association-approved ingredient for fast-acting joint pain relief.