Isn't it true that before you can ever sell anyone anything you have to sell them on having an appointment? Do you find it challenging to fill your appointment book? Wouldn’t you like to hold appointments each week with people who are genuinely interested in doing business with you?

You can. You just have to realize that selling starts way before the appointment. That means you have to set yourself up to attract the people you want to work with.

Be very clear about who you want to work with. You may be able to work with everyone, but for right now I want you to just focus on one specific client that you have that you would like a whole lot more of. They chose to work with you for a very specific reason.

You provided them with something they wanted beyond any product. They agreed to meet with you because they had something very specific in mind and you knew exactly how to help them to get that. Prior to meeting you they may have been very frustrated and confused about how they were going to get what they wanted, but you made it easy for them.

As you recall the process that you went through from somehow connecting with that ideal client and eventually having an appointment with them there are some very valuable things for you to learn. Now that you know what they wanted recognize that there are lots of other people just like them who want that too. That means you can create an attention getting message that when people like them hear it you’ll have their attention.

You may have had a mutual contact that enable your connection to that ideal client that you don’t have with other people like them. That’s ok, you want to be able to create that connection with absolute strangers too. Now it won’t happen as quickly as it did with your ideal client because you had an advantage in that case but you can still make it happen.

Thinking back to how you made getting what they wanted easy for them, couldn’t you make it easy for others too? If other people knew how you could make it easy and why, wouldn’t they want to talk to you in a sales appointment setting too? So how could you make others aware of how you help people like them and how you make it easy for them to get what they want?

And how could you make enough other people aware so you could fill your appointment calendar each and every week with people who want to have an appointment with you? That’s how you win the sale for an appointment so you have the opportunity to win the sale for closed business. Stop struggling to fill your appointment book by creating a clear message with a clear call to response that builds a relationship and makes it easy to hold the number of appointments you want to hold each week.

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