Standing on the edge of the rock over looking the lake I wanted to jump, but I was scared. My two teenage boys, Evan and Luke, had coerced me into climbing to the top of a 40 foot rock which stuck out over Tygart Lake in WV while we were there boating with a friend. The teenagers made the jump look so easy and fun and I decided to join them until I was at the top of the rock looking down.
Jumping was harder than I thought and my fears immediately took over. What if I hit the side going down? What if I hit a rock in the water? What if? What if? What if? My mind was going into over time thinking of all of the ways that this was not going to work in spite of my children jumping many times successfully and actually having fun.
My son, Evan jumped into the water ahead of me and said, “come on Mom, I am here for you and imagine what you will feel like later if you don’t jump”. My younger son, Luke, stayed on top with me and said, “Mom you would tell us not to let our fears get in the way and then you would tell us to pray and trust God that every thing is OK”. Well! It is really good and surprising when your children start quoting you. It does prove that they are listening but it also meant that I had to walk my talk.
I stood at the top and prayed, not asking for safety, but asking for the willingness to have courage to make the leap. Immediately, I felt peace. I ran as fast as I could, let out a big scream and jumped! I hit the water with a big splash and came up laughing so hard. It was great! My son Evan swam over to me and said,” see Mom I knew you would like it”. I felt silly over making such a big deal of jumping and wished I had done it a lot sooner so I could have done it more.
Isn’t moving ahead in life and business and taking that jump a little scary too? Many times you feel like making a bigger commitment, changing directions or getting serious about your work but your mind begins to work over time thinking of all the things that can go wrong. The mind works over time saying: What will happen if I don’t make it? What if I spend time and money and nothing comes of it? No one will buy from me any way. What if I take too much time from the family? I don’t have the time, money, energy or what ever you can fill the blank with.
Whenever you step out into the world in a bigger way all of your fears and insecurities will come up to hit you in your face and keep you stuck where you are. Then you experience regret at never achieving your true goals and visions. That is where it is crucial to have some one that has gone before you, who has jumped first and landed successfully, a Success Coach, that can guide you to make the right choices, to walk in faith and make the jump not so scary.
I can help you with that big jump and take away those uncertainties because I have successfully made that big commitment to myself and my business and know you can too. I also understand the special dilemmas being a Female Entrepreneur brings while balancing life, family and business. Show your willingness today and let me show you how taking that big jump can be more fun than fear! And don't forget to Expect Success!
As a Business Success Mentor and Coach, Sherri Hughes, The Success Diva, works with women on an individual and group basis utilizing a unique combination of Coaching techniques, Hypnotherapy and Reiki along with her real-world and hard-won wisdom. Her passion revolves around creating a journey of success for women in business by recognizing and employing the Feminine Success Principles that have worked for her. Sherri offers Master Mind Groups, Coaching and Mentoring programs along with other products and services. Visit Sherri's website: to receive her FREE report: The Secret to achieving Success in 21 Days or Less and feel free to contact Sherri at with any questions or comments. Expect Success!
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