What is an Avocado Table? No, no, this isn't a question to plug into Google. There is no right answer. There are no rules. (Isn't THAT freeing?) You simply get to think about what an Avocado Table could be. Imagine that you will be given $10 000 for your very creative answer. What would you come up with? Would you write about it, talk about it, sketch it? What would its purpose be? Where is it available? Who has access to it? Are all of the components of an avocado involved? Does the 'table' have to be something normally considered a table?

Next question: If the human body from the waist down faced backwards, what would a chair look like? Go ahead, grab a pencil and start sketching. Is your first thought, "Wait, I need more information or I can't do this!" If you want details about this new human form and how it functions, make it up. Then sketch the chair. Consider how we would get into this chair. How would we rest our back? Where would our arms go?

This is a PAUSE while you do these exercises.

Done? How does it feel to access your creative thinking? Fun? Frustrating? Did your self-talk say "Yay!" or did it say "I'm not creative"? Did a part of you think "I'm free!" or did a part think, "Where's the rules?" Or was your response something in between or something completely different altogether?

How you respond to this exercise may reveal how you respond to many choices or options in life. Simply by doing these exercises and asking yourself the questions above, you allow awareness into your life and you will have insights into... well, those insights will be as unique as the unique individual you are!
Possible thoughts you may have during the day are: "I loved that. How do I get to do that more?" "Hmm, apparently I really like rules. What are my rules in life?" "Is my thinking preventing me from going forward towards my dreams?" "How can I apply this creative thought to an issue I'm currently having? " "OH.. if I just imagine taking away some of the rules of the project I am working on, maybe I can see a better way." Or maybe you simply thought, "Why would I do this? There's no money in it." That's worth thinking more about, too!

Author's Bio: 

Janet Whitehead is a certified professional life coach who specializes in life coaching creatively. Her expertise includes using creative coaching techniques that help others access their most empowering ways to move forward quickly and successfully, authentically and soulfully. She coaches both internationally and locally, facilitates creative workshops, and is the author of a variety of popular work (play!) books available on her website. She is currently completing her first novel, and working on a solo show in Clay.
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