* How Smoking affects to relax when feeling tense.
* How Smoking affects to more alert when he's feeling dull.
* How Smoking affects when depressed or bored, or to overcome feelings of anger or grief.

How can a mere cigarette be so many things to so many people? The answer lies in the chemicals in cigarettes and the powerful psychological effects they have. The psychological effects differ from one to another person.

Nicotine Substance — Stimulant Chemical

Nicotine, the chemical that makes addicts out of cigarette smokers, is a stimulant with properties similar effect as cocaine and amphetamine. It increases heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rate, and makes the smoker feel more alert. Unfortunately these effects wear off after 20 minutes or so and the smoker is left craving another cigarette to long lasting feeling. That’s why this very substance is very dangerous. This keeps smokers to always light up more cigarettes to create psychological effect of alert.

Acetaldehyde and Carbon Monoxide—Sedatives Chemical

Acetaldehyde, a byproduct of both cigarette smoke and alcohol, has some sedative properties. The carbon monoxide in cigarettes makes you feel not enough air. These chemicals seem to dampen some people's feelings of tension, anger or strong emotion. This is obvious because this chemical blocks so many bloods to our brain. When brain lack of blood it is automatically lack of oxygen. The oxygen needed by brain to think or to stimulate hormone.

What is the dangerous from it?

I won’t argue about health effect, it is very obvious. I want to stress up in another area, which is psychological effect. When you always look for short cut to solve your problem, you will not grow. You see that smoking create a short cut to your problem (feeling stress, dull, etc) and it create pseudo solver (feeling relax, alert, etc). My question is can you solve that problem with no cigarette?

If you say "yes", another question is why you light cigarette? Do you want to quit? If you say "yes" why you wait another second to throw cigarette away???

If you say "No", why? Do you give your dignity to tobacco wrap with a piece of paper? Why not looking for another method to solve your problem? (smile)

Author's Bio: 

Who is Ron White?
He is “Die Hard” Smoker who quit smoking without drug at all.

What does Ron’s offer?
He does not offer anything. He just wants to share his experience about quitting from puffing cigarette. After more than 25 years smoking, he made decision to quit smoking and find it’s a hard way. He bounce back from one method to other method and still hard to stop smoking for good. Finally, he made decision to switch his though and try his own break through solution.

Because Ron thought quit smoking must be a fun and happy journey, not a disaster. If a journey isn’t fun he want quit at all.

When does he find it?
He find in a 3 weeks journey put himself as a lab rat to find a new way, breakthrough way, to quit smoking with plain and fun way, PLUS without drug.

Finally he discovers 5 MAGICAL STUFFS that allow him to quit smoking in plain and fun way. As Ron always said “It is time to share to the world that smoking could be fun and plain. The method that I found accidentally works like magic. It keeps me from smoking automatically and prevents me from getting quitter flu. It is incredible; even I cannot believe this method could work for me (smile) if other shares this breakthrough method to me”