Chakras are subtle energy centers in the spine. They govern every aspect of life. The chakras have been written about in many ancient writings from different cultures especially yoga philosophy. Traditionally most texts recognize 7 major chakras and some systems show other minor chakras.

Depending which chakra is out of balance it can affect everything from health, finances, relationships, emotions, communication, feeling insecure to every other area of life. The purpose of this article is not to go into depth about what the chakras represent because there are many books and articles written about them.

There are many ways to help clear, energize and balance the chakras. There are a variety meditations, exercises and other things one can do to heal the chakras. One of the things that can be quite effective for chakra healing is distant chakra healing and balancing. This way may seem unusual to many people but it has been used in the Far East for centuries and now there are other more modern methods to do this. More and more people are turning to alternative healing therapies such as distant chakra healing to enhance their health and well being.

Qigong energy healing is a powerful way to help balance, clear, align and heal the chakras. Distant Qigong energy healing has been used successfully in the Far East and now the West to treat a variety of mental, physical and emotional issues and also very effective in chakra healing.

How can Qigong distant energy healing positively affect the chakras and other energy channels from a distance? There are places such as the California Pacific Medical Center in Northern California and The Institute of Noetic Sciences that have scientifically studied the effectiveness of distant energy healing.

One strict double blind study with nearly 400 patients by cardiologist Robert Bryd determined that people who were prayed for had better outcomes than those who were not. Quantum Physics may provide some answers why remote or distant healing works.

In the 1980’s at the University of Paris, a team of scientists led by Alain Aspect made an amazing discovery that may be one of the most important discoveries in modern science.  They found that under certain circumstances some subatomic particles were able to communicate instantaneously with each other no matter how far apart they were from each other.  It didn’t matter if they were millions of miles apart.

In 1997 Nicolas Gisan duplicated these findings and concluded that some particles appeared to be communicating at the incredible speed of 20,000 times the speed of light.

These conclusions may give clues as to why distance healing works.

Respected quantum physicist David Bohm surmises the reasons why subatomic particles can stay in contact with each other despite incredible distances is not because they are transmitting some unknown signal back and forth but because the separation of the particles is an illusion.  Bohm concludes that at a deeper level of reality the particles are not individual entities but are extensions of the same fundamental something and everything in the universe is infinitely interconnected.

Some scientists now recognize what mystics from many different cultures have said for millennium, that we are all not separate but deeply interconnected.

Distance energy healing energy gets transferred over great distances because we are all interconnected.  It doesn’t make any difference if the one transmitting the energy is in a different city or across the world than from the receiver.

Distant Qigong energy healing is a very powerful method for chakra healing and healing in general. It has been effective for many conditions. It has been shown to be effective for stress and pain reduction, emotional balancing, boosting immunity and stamina, and a wide variety of other health conditions.

Michael Mohoric is a distant chakra healer and found he had a gift for energy healing after recovering from a serious spinal cord injury and has worked successfully with thousands of people worldwide.

Author's Bio: 

Michael Mohoric has studied alternative healing practices for over 25 years and is the past Secretary of the International Tibetan Qigong Association. He is a professional member of the the National Qigong Association and specializes in distant energy and chakra healing.
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