If you are happy and you know it clap your hands! If you are not happy then now is the time to create the life you want. Our natural state is happiness. Sometimes we are not in our soft circular state therefore we are not open to our happiness. Imagine yourself in the center of a circle and allow the energy of happiness to flow into the circle. Notice the color that you associate with happiness and from this day forth make sure that you surround yourself with this color of happiness. When you are happy call a few people and spread it around. When you are happy smell a special fragrance and from this day forth always use your "happiness" fragrance to bring it back if you are feeling low. Whatever you think about becomes manifest. Think about the times you have been happy and create more and more happiness. So BE IT!! (clap clap)

Author's Bio: 

Laura Bushnell, Author of Life Magic 2006, Miramax has been a transformational clairvoyant for over 30 years with a private practice in Los Angeles, CA. www.magicklady.com