Well done! You have decided to give up using tobacco! Your decision to quit using tobacco is one of the most important decisions you'll ever make for both your health and well-being. As you become tobacco free you will begin to notice the many benefits of a healthier lifestyle. You will feel better about yourself! You’ll become a role model for your family and friends. You’ll have more stamina for work and play. You’ll soon have whiter teeth and fresher breath. You’ll decrease your risk of serious illnesses. Your clothes, furniture, and car will smell cleaner and last but not least you’ll save money. Quitting will make a difference in your life.

Quitting isn’t easy, after all tobacco contains Nicotine and Nicotine is highly addictive. There is no best way to quit. Some smokers stop on their own while others want a proven method. In planning your strategy to quit, find what will work for you. Your options include self-help materials, group programs, Nicotine replacement therapy and alternative approaches such as hypnosis, herbal remedies and relaxation techniques. Your healthcare practitioner will explain these options and can provide guidance to help make your transition as easy as possible.

You’ve made your plan to quit, now put your plan in motion. Set a quit date in the next 30 days and gradually phase out your use of tobacco. Tell everyone you know since support from your friends and family reinforces your commitment. Set your priorities. As with any behavior change there are adjustments to be made to your normal routine. Choose your options as discussed with your healthcare practitioner. Eat healthy and exercise frequently. Cut back on alcohol and caffeine.

The things that you do prior to your quit date are critical to your success. Breaking a habit takes time and to be successful with any new behavior requires practice, practice and more practice.

You may have withdrawal symptoms as well as cravings after you have quit. Being aware of your withdrawal symptoms will help you overcome them. To overcome the difficulties of withdrawal, be alert to the symptoms and plan ways to manage your symptoms. As with any addiction, changing that behavior is not easy. You may notice that you still have occasional cravings. Those cravings are usually linked to an activity and/or particular behavior yet, the cravings actually last only a few minutes. You can work through your cravings if you find another activity or diversion from those cravings for the few minutes that they may last.

Your desired outcome is long-term success. Focus on your long-term success and do not dwell on occasional slips - a slip is only a slip. You have conquered a great addiction! It is time to reward yourself – you have earned it! Reward yourself for reaching your goal. You have quit!

You will see subtle improvements in your life within days. You will notice long-term improvements within months.

Author's Bio: 

Don C. Farrow, Jr., Ph.D. is a board certified holistic practitioner, author and Wellness Coach.