Part III
In part I, we talked about our situation. It boiled down to having excess homes and not enough buyers. Part one focused on talking about what you needed to do. Part II talked about your strategies and identifying the problem of your processes. We talked about gimmicks and strategies for selling your homes. What can you offer potential buyers to draw them in?
In part three we are going to dig deeper. Will the solutions we discussed in part two really work? Let’s find out. Were the solutions enough to work?
We talked about making the interest rate exceptionally low for those interested…but did we talk about how to attract them to the ad in the first place. Are you being skimpy and hoping they will sell without spending too much money on advertising? Is this your biggest problem? You can offer the deal of a lifetime to a potential buyer, but if it is not presented the right way, you just might not get the right buyer. Make the add fancy and make them be attracted to your ad! Now we are getting to the heart of the problem!
Why don’t you even take it a step further? Maybe you can splurge even more and do more mailing lists or big splashes in the newspapers. How about a half-page ad? Do other’s advertisements come to mind?
Wouldn’t you want yours to be the ad that comes to someone’s mind?
Does the excess cost of these things still scare you? Let me put it into relative terms. You need to think about how much you are spending (monthly) on payments for all six homes.
Say you are spending $9000. Isn’t half of that worth spending on beefing up your advertising? Think of how much advertising you can buy for that price (especially if half of the houses then sell the next month because of your new ads).
Let’s dig even deeper. Do all of your properties have corner signs directing people to the house? Is there a big sign in front of the house that says OWNER FINANCING, LOW INTEREST or something like that? You may think this is the answer to your solution, but is it really? Think about the kind of people who you may be attracting with these types of signs and offers. Are these the right kind of people for your homes? Again, you should be looking at every angle of your process. The need for evaluation of your process is of the utmost importance at this stage.
In part IV, we will continue talking about the type of buyer we have attracted, and what we need to do to sell these homes!
When it comes to real estate investing, I highly recommend information from Ron LeGrand. For valuable information regarding investing in homes visit You can also find useful investor resources in the free newsletter at
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