Looking for a place to grow your Multi Level marketing business? Are you running low on funds for advertising. Are you running out of people to build relationships with to pitch your product or your service to. Things just got a little easier. Welcome to the world of Yuwie. Yuwie is an online social network. The network is filled with people that want to make money on line or want to make money on the internet or at home. It’s a social network, similar to the networks of Facebook, Myspace and others. In order to be a part of the Yuwie social network, a friend or a family has to invite you to participate. Once your in the club you get paid. That’s right, you get paid dollars to have an account there. Don’t ask how much it will cost you, the cost is free. Just like the concept of television, the advertisers pay the bill. Advertisers will pay big bucks just for an opportunity for them to tell you about their product.
Other social networks online, rack in over 20 million dollars a month from their advertisers. Yuwie takes similar numbers from their advertisers and distributes it to their users. Yuwie gives dollars to everyone who is on that site, posting blogs, making friends, sending emails. It’s a beautiful concept!
Its more than just a place to hang out, it’s a place for money minded people to meet, mingle and exchange ideas. Now you have to remember that everyone on Yuwie is most likely joining because they are going to make additional income. That is a great target market if you have a MLM company. Just join an MLM club in Yuwie, and make friends with other business mind set people. Make friends with anyone in Yuwie, and most likely they will be open minded about the idea of your network marketing business. After all that is why they are at yuwie, to make money on line, or from home. Not only is it a place to grow your down line, but a great place to sell product. Make good friends with someone, then there a little bit more willing to listen to your pitch.

Yuwie is more than just a place to make money. It’s a place for fun and family. There is a club for every possible interest. From Alaska Hiking to the Zimbabwe travel club, they have a club full of your interest that you can make friends with. If you’re a biker, join a club and talk about things bikers talk about. Learn the new trends, how to save fuel, tricks on engine power, share videos of amazing biker jumps. Its limitless on what you can do, educate one another with your blogs and website links on your personal interests.
One Yuwie member set up a profile for each person in his family. Now the entire family is able to check up on pictures of nieces, nephews, and family trips. Blogs on who has what going on in the family, and posted videos of your child’s most recent Soccer game. A great way for family to grow together. Not much different from any other social network site. The only difference is, you get paid! Might as well make a little bit right, since your going to use the social networks anyways? Set your kid up with an account now, while he is still a babey. Put up videos of him/her, you know, the cute ones, that grandma and grandpa love to look at. Every time someone views your kids site, he gets paid. Add that up over 18 years and college is paid for. Yuwie is the solution!! You need a Yuwie account! Having trouble with your cars, make friends with a mechanic, join a car club, learn from other car lovers to fix problems or enhance performance. Click on any of the Yuwie Links to set your self up an account, and start socializing and making money today.

Author's Bio: 

Graduated from Arizona State University. CEO of Investing Networks. Investing Networks Builds relationships to connect entrepreneurs and investors with opportunity.