Breast cancer is at an all time high in the twenty-first
century, especially for women. Listed below are ten
preventable causes for breast cancer along with methods
to help you reduce your risk.

1- Avoid exposure to carcinogenic radiation (x-rays).If
you must be x rayed, either at the dentist or other
healthcare providers, be sure to use a lead plate on areas
not being x-rayed.

2- Avoid all types of synthetic hormones: Hormone
Replacement Therapy, fertility drugs, birth control pills,
and hormones in meat, eggs and dairy. Synthetic hormones
become stored in the fat cells and cause abnormal cell
growth, and neo-angiogensis. Neo-angiogensis is the
blood supply that specifically feeds cancerous or
malignant tumors.

3- Avoid toxic environmental pollution in water, air, soil
and food. Eat organic food and drink pure water,
available everywhere. Purified water cleanses the kidneys
and lymphatic system and aids the immune function of
your body.

4- Avoid carcinogenic chemicals found in household cleaning
products and cosmetics. The most common toxic ingredients
are ammonia, isopropyl alcohol, fluoride, petroleum,
chlorinated bleach and aluminum. Find healthy substitutes
in Samuel Epstein's book, Safe Shoppers Bible.

5- Avoid prolonged exposure to electrical magnetic fields,
power plants and electrical appliances. Move your electric
clocks from near your bed to the other side of the room.
Spend as little prolonged time as possible in front of
your computer screen. Take frequent breaks away from your
computer and turn off appliances when not in use.

6. For you women out there, avoid wearing your bra for more
than eighteen consecutive hours. Prolonged wear restricts
lymphatic flow. If you can, wear all cotton bras instead of
underwire bras and massage your breast after removing
your bra.

7. Lymphatic or dry brush massage will increase circulation
and help keep your breasts and liver healthy.

8. Some of your favorites have to go or used sparingly:
alcohol, coffee, chocolate and other products with caffeine.Read all your food labels. A good method is to not consume any chemical with names you cannot pronounce!

9. Reduce stress as much as you can. Distress affects your
immune system functions, so take it easy and walk in nature
or practice yoga or deep breathing exercises.

10. Substitute Thermography for your annual breast exam.
Thermography eliminates radiation and harmful pain from
compression of the breast. The error rate for Thermography
is nine per cent; with mammograms it is forty percent.

Start taking care of your health and your breasts now.

Copyright 2005 All Rights Reserved

Nancy Gardner, Ph.D., has a Master's in Nutrition from
Northfield University as well as Doctorate in Clinical
Research. She is the owner of Optimum Health Clinic
in San Rafael, CA and the CEO of Preventative
Medicine Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated
to research and education about the prevention of and
healthy choices for the treatment of breast cancer.
Visit: or contact Dr. Gardner
toll free at: 866-766-2468.

Author's Bio: 

Nancy Gardner, Ph.D., has a Master's in Nutrition from Northfield University as well as Doctorate in Clinical Research. She is the owner of Optimum Health Clinicin San Rafael, CA and the CEO of PreventativeMedicine Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to research and education about the prevention of and healthy choices for the treatment of breast cancer.Visit: or contact Dr. Gardnertoll free at: 866-766-2468.