The Future of Fantasy,

There is a powerful book coming out for all the readers of fantasy. This new writer, who has yet to have a book come out, yet to have a motion picture created, or yet to make a mark in the world of writing is already coming out with all of it. If I was asked what was the best book I ever read in the world of fantasy, I would say, hands down, that “The Bond of Two Brothers” is by far the most live book than any other story period.
What I love the most about the story is getting to know the characters. The author takes the time for the reader to get to know who is involved in the story. As the reader finds the challenges of the two brothers in the story, the reader begins to feel the pain of the brothers, their emotions, the fears, their joys. The book came so alive for me as I read about the several experiences the brothers went through.
Jump into the experience of the two brothers your self to find what I mean. The experience of the festival, hiding the pig from the angry step father, traveling to distant lands, fighting and wrestling with other powerful characters, battles of beasts, and of course the different type of humans they interact with.
My question is, how did the author think of the unique story? Where did he get the unique descriptions of the characters, the ideas of the short stories with in the story, and how does it all tie together in the end.
Right now I’m only half way through the book. There are already plans in place for the book to be made into a movie. As I read the book I already feel like I’m already in a movie. The movie will probably be more influential then Lord of the Rings, or Star wars. The story is way more thrilling then the other two with a deeper cause then the lives of the two brothers. Deeper cause then the death star in star wars or the Precious in “Lord of the Rings”.
I have yet to read a book as exciting as the “Bond of Two Brothers”. The author states that there are to be a series of books to come after the first. If I could I would order them now just to make sure that I get a copy. The story is too exciting, and I already can’t put it down. I can’t wait to turn another page, or get to the next chapter. If you want to beat watching any movie, beat any trip or vacation, escape into the story and the world of the bond of two brothers.

Author's Bio: 

Dan Nixon is a Promoter and Business Development Consultent who currently resides in Provo Utah.