Dear Loved Ones,

Welcome and a Fantastic day to you today and every day. I love you. I love you. I love you.

Are you here? Are your thoughts present with you? Are you present? I invite you to take a deep breath and allow yourself to be present, NOW.

Kindly please take a few moments to Bless the whole world with love and light. And Bless you. Thank you.

Tools For Life - For We Are All One

For we are all one.

What does this mean? I am so different from you. Different cultures, different attitudes, different backgrounds, different heritage, different shape and sizes, different textures and so who am I and who are you?

For we are all one.

Once upon a time we actually knew each other as one, where ever that place and time was.
Once upon a time we actually cared for each other as one, whenever that time was.
Once upon a time we Loved one another without any judgment of race or color, whenever and whatever this means to you, NOW.

Some may say “But I give and I do and still I receive no Love.” And others may say “I want love but I just don't get it.”

And maybe some individuals are thinking “But I give and receive the Love and it is still not enough and there is No Oneness.”

And some others may be present with the idea that, Love is so over rated. Like all this talk about Love is going to actually create Oneness.

And in the present moment Love simply Is. It is up to us how we perceive it and what it is we are willing to do to be one with it. I am that I am, I am the presence of Divine Love. You are that you are, you are one with me and all.

I am that I am, I am willing to be one with love. You are that you are, you are one with love. Let us be Love in order to manifest it in our lives.

Remember there is absolutely no attachment in Love, with Love and through love. Love simply Is.

How do I know? I don't know! But you know!
You know when you know that you know.
You know when you live with this Isness.
You know that you know when you experience this Oneness in you and all around you.
You know as you feel the Presence of Divine Love as you have never experienced anything like it. So complete and whole. So prefect as the flowers blooming and ever-lasting in their beauty. You are this beauty.

Once upon a time we knew this truth within the deepest core of our being.
Once upon a time we were so one with this truth and we thrived with it.
Once upon a time we are excited by this truth and we were absolutely transparent with this truth.

What happened? We forgot, perhaps.
What happened? We gave up, perhaps.
What happened? We let go, perhaps.
What happened? We denied, perhaps.
What happened? We blocked, perhaps.

What is happening Now is that we are in search of Love inside and out. And we will continue to search here and there until we realize that we simply are the presence of Love and we can in fact all be One, for we are all one. Know this to be the truth for you are so worthy and deserving of living with clarity and wholeness inside and out.

I challenge you to make one step to knowing your True Self today. And that is to go beyond the pretense and the ego and make amends with someone whom you've been wanting to express your love with. Nothing and Nothing is worth this separation. But something called forgiveness is worth the unification, for we are all one.

Let us all live this life with a purpose of creating Oneness. Separation is Not fun, inspiring, healthy or peaceful. However, Unity and Oneness is joyful, fulfilling, Healthy, Humorous, and Prosperous inside and out.

So here we go again as we learn what our learnings are and let go of the past in order to be present in the Now. There is no pressure, there is only a willingness to go beyond the illusion of separation.

For we are all one.

And so it is. Bless you all..

I love you. I love you. I love you.

Please feel free to forward and share these Insights with your friends, family, colleagues and enemies to Create a world of Love, Unity, Wholeness and Oneness.

May the love and light of God and the Universe surround, protect and heal you, your loved ones and the planet earth.

With Love, Gratitude and Respect,
Michelle Morovaty
Truly, With God All Things Are Possible

© Copyright 2007 Spirituality Inside and Out, LLC

Author's Bio: 

Michelle Morovaty is an Intuitive Spiritual Teacher and Healer. She has healed herself from many challenges including Lupus CNS, a car accident and divorce. She uses her intuition and universal guidance to assist people through the healing process.

For more about Michelle and her healing sessions see and for her guided meditation CD's see