You have been hoping and praying for the job you want hoping you will finally make more money only to realize that each month you never have money.

Every time you feel that you are close to having a little more money something for no reason at all comes along and bring you back to the same place that you are attempting to get out of.

Just enough

You may find yourself each month always have just enough and not much more and if you did have a little more you will realize that some thing is needed for your living.

You may realize that you are able to earn more each year only to have just enough.

You notice more of what you need to have for you, the family or the home so there is never enough.

You do not notice that you have created this way of life for yourself because you believe it is a fact.


Do you notice that you have a quota of how much money is coming in each month and you are able to generate that amount and no more?

You use the term you have a fix income only to realize that when you lose your job it is no longer fix and that the idea was only temporary.

You do not allow yourself to attract more money because it will go against your beliefs, you habits and your emotions.

Why you spend

Moving beyond your limited amount of money that you allow yourself each month will ask of you to pay attention to how you are spending and what emotions are coming up with your spending.

You may spend and feel that you are entitle to buying something because you have work hard or that you had a fight with your mate or boss and you feel that spending will make you feel good.

You may notice that you are attempting to fulfill something within you with the spending.

Having more

Having more money will ask something from you either more time, more work, more fear of the unknown.

If you break your habit of not having enough it will be difficult for your secondary gain maybe you get more support from others by not having.

If you are not moving to break the pattern it is because the gain to stay in the same place is more habitual, more known, and more secure, that to move to a new place where you may feel all alone.

Expect resistance

As you move from one place within you to another when you start to change you will notice resistance and it may show up in different ways.

You may get sick or tired or have some form of difficulty as soon as you start to change because you are not accustom to this new you it is the unknown and you may want to go back to the old way of doing things because it is familiar.

A part of you does not want to die although logically you know it is for your own good to change still it is the unknown, if you stick with the new you it will change.

Money as energy

You can see money as a tool to getting you what you want or you can blame money for not have the vacation or the right home.

Money is energy and you may have beliefs about it that maybe holding you back, beliefs that you learn as a child that you think logically it is gone now that you are an adult only to see it coming up time and time again.

“Money will corrupt you,” and “we do not have money but at least we have our health” are some of the beliefs that maybe still holding you back.

Money is neither good or bad it is the person that gives it a position, a feeling.

To break out of the pattern of sabotage you need to examine the beliefs you have about money and set out to change them emotionally.

Conclusion: You are finally doing what you want and you never have enough money because you do not allow your self to go beyond your limit for fear of the unknown and your limiting beliefs.

Author's Bio: 

The author grants full reprint rights to this article. You may reprint and electronically distribute this article so long as its contents remain unchanged, and the author's byline remains in place. Francis is the owner of if you want more information on money and abundance in your life you can find