There are a multitude of environmental factors in our immediate surroundings that contribute to poor health or lack of vitality. Not to mention an endless list of chemicals, pollutants and additives. Even so, the human body is continuously evolving and adapting and mankind has survived the most destructive influences and will continue to do so. Before shedding light on several of the most influential environmental forces and their practical solutions, let us first look at the bigger picture.

Imagine yourself in the cockpit of an airplane with a see-through floor. Now look down on the Earth. There are areas of deep forests, broad deserts, oceans and lakes. Using intuition and logic, which areas appear to be best able to support life? Which would you consider a healthy place to live? Take a good look at the city of Los Angeles and if you were to rate it on a scale of one to ten, with ten being the most supportive, which number would you choose?

Major influences always supersede minor ones. Here is another example: let's say you are a fish living in an aquarium and the water happens to be dirty and disease-laden with bacteria. Even though you get adequate exercise by swimming, eat the healthiest fish food, meditate and pray every morning, chances are your energy, vitality and the quality of your life are less than perfect. The chances of getting sick are increased tremendously to the point that it is inevitable, because the environmental field or aquarium water is simply not supportive to life. Now, if you, as that same fish don't exercise, meditate or pray and eat fish junk food, but live in the waters of the Amazons, it is much less likely that ill health will manifest, due to the extremely life-supportive Amazonian field. Healthy environmental fields can override bad personal habits, to a certain extent.

Given the above scenario, the first question to ask is "Is my environment life-supportive?" If the answer is yes, then it's time to pay attention to the more minor details. If not, moving to a healthier environment is not such a bad idea. Following this advice does not necessarily mean moving out of town, unless of course, this choice appeals to you and is feasible. It may simply mean moving to a more environmentally supportive area of the city, maybe from downtown Los Angeles to Santa Monica, or from a house beside the freeway, to one close to a park or ocean.

All living creatures, including humans, have an energy field, a bubble of life-force surrounding and permeating their bodies, called the aura. When we live in close proximity to each other, these fields mingle. If you could see these energy fields from a plane, you would see a huge mass of mingled fields in the big cities, creating a collective field. This collective field affects individual energy fields positively or negatively and influences the condition of one’s health. The degree of influence depends on several factors. The following experiment further demonstrates this. When a calm, emotionally balanced person enters a room filled with ten anxious, upset or stressed out people, he or she will have a tendency to become stressed out as well, due to the group influence of the bio-energetic or radiatory field (auras) of the others. If you have never been exposed to or noticed your reaction to this common occurrence, try observing the shift in your thoughts, emotions and energy level while being stuck in rush hour traffic.

This influential ability of the collective energetic field affects but is not limited to health, relationships and finances. Observe the predominant characteristics of the field you live in or are surrounded by daily. If the environment is unhealthy or unsupportive, implement changes wherever and whenever possible. Even though it may seem like too big of a step to make the payoff is an improved quality of life on many levels. If the fish in the above example decided to move from its polluted environment, it may not be easy to change aquariums - maybe the fish is accustomed to the tank and likes its water castle and plastic diver with bubbles. Over time, it became used to the diseased conditions to such an extent, that it seems impossible to change the habit of being in such an environment. What if the fish knew that by moving into cleaner water, not only would health problems diminish, but the change would open up new life and career opportunities? The fish would see the value of enduring a small amount of initial discomfort for the satisfying result of having a newer, even bigger, water castle, this time with a treasure chest. Isn't that a smart idea?

After taking care of the major influences it is time to start correcting the secondary influences (the minor ones). The sum of many negative minor influences may be as detrimental to one's health as living in a garbage dump. Many of these corrections are easy to do on your own. If your are unable to investigate whether your home or office environment is unsupportive or harmful, work with a Feng Shui practitioner. Feng Shui is the healing modality that investigates and corrects unsupportive environmental influences. Professional Feng Shui practitioners apply and utilize the laws of nature to balance the environment of a home or office, helping create balance and harmony by promoting the flow of positive energy and neutralizing, or minimizing, negative or destructive energy. Feng Shui is rapidly becoming a standard practice for creating an ideal and balanced environment in which to live and work. (excerpt from Los Angeles Healer's Guide 2007)

Author's Bio: 

Milan Polak and Elissa Michaud are trained and experienced in western therapies and eastern healing arts. They have witnessed excellent results combining complementary medicine with western care, in cooperation with medical doctors. They introduce a simple and profound message of integration and a holistic approach to lifestyle and healthcare. Authors of Healer's Guide - (
) and True Feng Shui ( )