...Continues from ‘Discover The 10 Secrets For Success And Inner Peace - Part 1

Secret #4: Embrace Silence...
Silence is probably the least valued pastime in our society where everybody is running around to do and experience more of the abundance of life. Learning to create silence in your life is the foundation of experiencing inner peace and an sense of contentment. Mother Theresa once said that silence is the friend of God and for you to reconnect with that divine part of yourself you have to still the outer world and to go within. Through silence you get to connect with that authentic part of yourself.

Secret #5: Give Up your Personal History...
We all carry around parts of our past that we tend to bond to; things that we are not willing to let go of and for various reasons we use our past to justify what’s missing in our lives. The transforming truth is that nobody needs a personal history. You do not need to have a past to define yourself – unless you choose to do so. Learning to free yourself from your past and all the things from your past that you are bonded to will liberate you to become an authentic and powerful person who can really live life in the reality of present moment awareness.

Secret #6: You Can’t Solve a Problem with the Same Mind that Created It...
Your mind is the source of all your problems and problems can only exist in your mind. When you change your mind, you can change anything. There is a spiritual solution to every problem and it starts with shifting your thoughts from what’s wrong to what’s right. Looking for the solution in the problem will only create more of the problem while shifting to solutions you can start to effect change.

Secret #7: There are No Justified Resentments...
Resenting someone else will harm you more than it will harm them. Likewise will all you resentments towards anything only weaken you. Kinesiology revealed the inherent energy present in all thoughts and how certain thoughts and ideas weaken both your mind and your body (and eventually weakens your spirit). Angry people live in an angry world, sad people live in a sad world and happy people live in a happy world. No matter how much someone has wronged you, you simply cannot justify the resentment because ultimately it will only hurt you and drain your energy on something incredibly debilitating.

Secret #8: Treat Yourself as if You Already Are What You’d Like To Be...
We all have some vision for what we really want our lives to be like, but we tend to have a level of doubt as to whether it is really possible. When you start to act as if what you’d like to be is already real, then you set in motion the very forces that will collaborate with you to make your dreams a reality. The ancestor to every action is a thought and when you start to think of and see yourself as everything that you want to be, you start the creative process: you become inspired and you shift your life into a new direction.

Secret #9: Treasure Your Divinity...
There is an aspect to each and every one of us that is invisible, yet very real. You are a divine creation of God and therefore you can never be separated from that which created you. God exists within you and you don’t need to go and look anywhere but inside to find God. This divine part of your life is not only a ‘part’ of you but makes up the very essence of who you are as a human being. Learning to treasure it will help you to value yourself and life for the magnificence that it really is.

Secret #10: Wisdom is Avoiding All Thoughts that Weaken You...
Every thought you have will either strengthen or weaken you. Thoughts of force will always weaken you because it requires a counter force while thoughts of peace, joy, love and acceptance will empower you for they don’t create a counter force and it stems from a willingness to allow the world to be as it is. Wisdom is about learning this great truth and really living it in every aspect of your life.

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