Supporting Parents: Supportive parenting plays an important role in the children's development of empathy, pro social behavior and emotional competence. The absence of supportive parenting may be related to the development of internal problems such as anxiety and depression. Supportive parents can lessen the behavioral problems by carrying long discussions with their children, cultivating in them a sense of respect, calmness and peace of mind. Mothers can also play active role in reducing the peer stress among their children. Lack of the necessary parental care and attention is the main factor for the subsequent rise in the percentage of juvenile delinquency (crime among children). The absence of parental instructions causes children to develop irreversible behavioral and emotional problems. They in order to seek attention, resort to crimes thinking that in this way they could fulfill their wishes.

Supporting Teachers: Many researchers use a term "Transition" (Lombardi, Joan). "Transition" is used to describe the time period in which children move from home to school, from school to after school activities, from one activity to another within a pre-school, or from pre-school to kindergarten. In the elementary level schools the teachers had to face serious challenges in motivating the parents to take interest in their children's activities. Teachers are adopting different methods to involve the parents in day-to-day classroom and home activities. They used to invite parental guidance sessions and training sessions, continuously directing the parent's attention towards their children. The teachers also assign home activities for both the parents and their children so that the parents remain indulged in their children and the children.

Child behavior problem: If you are dealing with child behavior problems, and if you do not take any measures, these problems will increase. If you want to improve the quality of the time spent with your child, and make life easier for both of you by avoiding child discipline problems. A large number of parents are complaining about the fact that they are confronted with child behavior problems and that they have tried everything, from books to doctors, but still nothing seems to be suited or to actually improve the child's behavior. Any expert in child guidance will tell parents that the worse thing they can ever do is give up, because their sons and daughters need to go by an established program of discipline during their early childhood.

The moral concepts and discipline that they discover at home will improve the children's opportunities for a healthy normal adult life, and will make them interact better with their future family, friends and work colleagues. Children's behavior problems are sometimes made worse by the long hours that their parents spend working and by the lack of attention and understanding coming from them. This might just trigger the sequence of all of the behavior problems in children. Parents can find a common ground and try to listen to their children realizing the fact that smaller behavior problems in children have to be stopped in time can lead to more serious problems, like lying, stealing and many others. Children's behavior problems can sometimes start from the children's getting their own way all the time and therefore losing the sense of value of things.

Participation in activities: Try to make a little more room in your busy schedule to improve your relationship with your children; you might just make a first important step toward the solution to child discipline problems. Participate with your child to cook together. Your child may read the instructions. Make young children to help measure, pour, mix and taste. Crossword puzzle books, word find books and logic puzzle books are wonderful for older kids.

Help child to make choices: As children grow up, it is important to allow them to make choices and to help them understand the various choices available to them. If we don't allow children to make choices and don't help show children the many choices available, they grow up often feeling trapped in a corner, as they don't know how to see their choices. Children can actually understand and discuss the consequences of their choices in preteen and teen years. Helping the child to see the pros and cons of each side can help the child to reach a decision. Or perhaps the child needs to make an elective choice at school. When we help kids understand the many choices they have on a day to day basis, they seldom feel trapped in the corner with no choices.

Communication with children: Communicating with children of any age is probably the key parenting skill, as it helps build their self-esteem and confidence. The environment that today's society provides children is full of challenges and big issues like drugs, violence, and sex. That is why it is so important for children and parents to communicate openly. Communication takes both talking and listening. Listening, instead of lecturing, gives children space to share their feelings, and by sorting through their own problems can help with their decision making skills. Further, good communication helps children develop confidence, feelings of self-worth, and good relationships with others. At every age children need their parents to understand how they're feeling. You achieve this by listening properly and not leaping in with your own judgments or constantly blaming your child.

Healthy self esteem: Healthy teen self esteem is first nurtured at home. A secure home life, supportive parents and a reliable extended family provide the launching point that allows children to thrive. From there it's a safe school environment and positive peer relationships that further affirm their feelings of being valuable to others. Teenagers who don't have a strong sense of personal value from their parents are left viewing themselves through the critical eyes of their peers. And what they see there is often disappointing. Making embarrassing mistakes, feeling clumsy, going through puppy love heart break or not doing everything right the first time you try is all part of being a teenager. This is why it is so important to help our kids survive their mistakes and deal with disappointments from an early age. Positive teen self esteem is crucial. The best way to improve your teen's self-esteem is to take a very active role in your teen's life. If you have a teenager who is struggling with low self esteem, you have to take every opportunity that presents itself to remind them that they are valuable to you and to others. Provide them with opportunities to be with people who will build them up and encourage them.

Author's Bio: 

Certified Practitioner Neuro Linguistic Programming, Hypnosis,Reiki healer, Personal development Coach - Life Span Specialist.