"I'm getting zero conversion on my Web site (no ezine sign-ups). What can I do to improve my lead generation and income?"
- Beth, from Chicago

If you have a web site or are thinking of building one you want it to do two things. You want it to generate leads for your business and help you grow your business. What should you do if your web site marketing isn't accomplishing these two tasks?

Imagine you had a new car in your driveway that didn't start reliably or wasn't running well, you'd take it to your mechanic for a tune-up immediately. Forget the fact that you waited months to get exactly the color and options you wanted; you expect your car to work, to get you where you want to go. You should expect the same of your web site.

Your web site marketing can generate a steady stream of leads and help you skyrocket your sales. This can be hard to imagine if you haven't experienced it, but believe me, it's true. What can you do if your web site marketign isn’t accomplishing this?

My own site currently attracts 450 to 500 new qualified leads each week. I use a strategy I've developed over nine years of web site marketing. This simple strategy has been just as successful and profitable for my clients, in many cases increasing their leads from almost none to hundreds per week.

Growing your business online is a three-step process.
First, you help prospects find your site. Second, you help them qualify themselves. Third, you convert qualified leads into clients. So far, it's just common sense, but do you know which specific steps to take to achieve this online?

Here’s how to do it with your web site marketing:

1. Offer Solutions to Attract Visitors
Use the site description that appears in your search engine listing or the copy in your Google Adword ads to motivate people to visit your site. The most effective way to do this is to describe the problem your products or services solve.

2. Give Site Visitors A Reason to Contact You Getting people to your site is the first step, but it doesn't count for much if you aren’t able to convert site visitors into qualified leads. Give your site visitors a reason to contact you (and give you their contact information). Giving something away works for almost every type of business and can work for you, too.

3. Convert Leads Into Paying Clients
Follow-up on a prospect's interest by giving them information that has use and value to their business. Give them reasons to trust you, more information about the problems you solve, and more examples of ways that you can help them as you've helped other clients.

Tune up your web site - or build a new one that gets you where you want to go - with these three steps you'll and attract more and more clients each month.

2006 © In Mind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved

The author, Charlie Cook, helps service professionals, small business owners and marketing professionals attract more clients and be more successful. Sign up to receive the Free Marketing Strategy eBook, '7 Steps to get more clients and grow your business' at http://www.marketingforsuccess.com

Author's Bio: 

The author, Charlie Cook, helps service professionals, small business owners and marketing professionals attract more clients and be more successful. Sign up to receive the Free Marketing Strategy eBook, '7 Steps to get more clients and grow your business' at http://www.marketingforsuccess.com